simple things


Well-known member
I watched in quiet amazement, a woman standing in a store doorway(of course I wait in car, I always wait in the car). She was totally oblivious to anyone else, maybe she was waiting for a ride. She talked on her cell phone, ate a snack, smiled at people. All the things I cannot do comfortably. It looks so easy on most people, doing the simple, everyday things, yet so very scary for me. I just don't get it! :evil: I would give just about anything to feel that calmness inside :)
Same here, but I have this weird thing I don't think anyone else has. Ok on 'normal' days I am always very self conscious around people but on the sleep deprived days - i.e. when I have to stay up late for homework etc, I never feel self conscious! Communication becomes much more natural and easier too. maybe it's just becuase I'm too tired to care about those things.


Well-known member
yeah..i watch people like that all the time...then feel stupid because i think "oh no..the'll think im staring at them!"..*cough* anyway! i just think why cant i be like them? and i just envy them..then i hate them...hmm. :roll: im strange. i just hate them because i want what they jealous.


Active member
Some people don't know how special not having any kind of socializing problem is. My older sister was like me and she said she "grew out of it." I wonder, will I be that lucky? God I hope so! I'm tired of this too...


Well-known member
mmhmm, its like i was in pizza hut with my mates (i was having a good pretty confident day) and they randomly started signing and dancing to the music in the background..we're into heavier music and the restaurant was playing britney :lol: but i jsut cant do that..but i looked the wierdest one because i was the only one not doing it..
yea, people just dont understand what its like not to be able to do the small things.


Well-known member
I tried eating while standing at the bus stop the other day. I even spent the time picking off the salami as much as I feared the people watching. Now that's what I call success!

I still worry about asking for a job though.


Well-known member
ah! i cant stand people watching me eat! 8O my friends stare at me on purpose at lunch times because they know how much i hate it...and they think its "cute" how i look around all the time before i put food into my mouth... 8O :x now i just dont have lunch. hah. they dont stare anymore at least.


Well-known member
JWH said:
I tried eating while standing at the bus stop the other day. I even spent the time picking off the salami as much as I feared the people watching. Now that's what I call success!

I still worry about asking for a job though.

Good on you Jane...that is progress. Picking the Salami, way to go girl, love it. :wink:

Keep practicising



Well-known member
ah! i cant stand people watching me eat! Shocked my friends stare at me on purpose at lunch times because they know how much i hate it...and they think its "cute" how i look around all the time before i put food into my mouth... Shocked Mad now i just dont have lunch. hah. they dont stare anymore at least.

my friends in high school were like that. that was before i was diagnosed and even knew of something called SA/SP and they also thought it was so cute that i didn't like them "creating a scene" in say the mall or target, etc.


Well-known member
Some people don't know how special not having any kind of socializing problem is. My older sister was like me and she said she "grew out of it." I wonder, will I be that lucky? God I hope so! I'm tired of this too...
People in effect 'grow out of' other phobias if they aren't reinforced for a long time, so I guess SP should be no different. It'd be more difficult though because we face the things we fear so much more often than with most other kinds of phobia that the anticipation anxiety is enough to reinforce it by itself. Reducing anticipation anxiety stopped me from growing furthur into it as I had been, and eventually reversed the whole cycle... perhaps what I did could be called growing out of it... never thought of it like that before :?


Well-known member
I SO know what you mean..I am so inhibited in everything I do and it's driving me to the edge..People really take for granted not having social issues or depression. Does anyone else feel BETTER when they are sick? I'm sick right now and I feel like it, for once, matches how I feel inside, and also I don't feel as anxious because I'm too sick and tired to care..sometimes I think i'd rather have cancer than this social disease


Well-known member
I know what you mean, thelostworld, I don't mind being sick, cause it is a good excuse to stay home, and not have to go out of my house! Most people have no idea whatsoever how hard it is to feel the way we do. Sometimes I want to go to sleep and never ever wake up, cause the stupid simple stuff gives me such worry and anxiety :x It really pisses me off sometimes, I get really frustrated!!!! :evil:


Well-known member
I get frustrated just watching people do things so easily that i have a hard time or is impossible for me to do.(could be as small as saying hi)
They just dont understand how easy they have it compared to (is Us appropriate?). Sometimes i wonder if they even give a damn, maybe schools should *Seriously* teach kids about Social Phobia , then again that might make it worse :roll:


Well-known member
I get so frustrated with that too!! Today, someone asked me how I was, and I couldn't answer, no words would come out 8O . She probably thought I was a snobby bitch, but I just couldn't answer. I feel so stupid :(


Well-known member
Aaahhh the 'simple' things in life. I even have trouble saying good morning to people that i know will say it back to me :roll: So much doubt, so much second guessing, analysing, negativity, catastrophising over tiny little things - it's a full on battle!! It's enough to make you sick.


Well-known member
Fredscarecrow said:
mmhmm, its like i was in pizza hut with my mates (i was having a good pretty confident day) and they randomly started signing and dancing to the music in the background..we're into heavier music and the restaurant was playing britney :lol: but i jsut cant do that..but i looked the wierdest one because i was the only one not doing it..

Something similar happened to me a few years ago. I was at a pub with a few friends (there were 4 of us) to watch a game of rugby (it was a kiwi pub in London), and after the game we were standing around finishing our drinks when they started playing music. My friends started to dance a little (they were female btw, maybe that's why) and I just felt sooooo self-conscious at that point! I thought about joining in but just couldn't, so I just stood there drinking.

And I was totally drunk at that point, so you'd think the self-consciousness would be gone, but nope, even totally pissed I still feel it. Aaargghh!!