This is going to sound very terrible (or maybe cowardly or misleading) but I have had more success with getting boyfriends when I have met them drunk or online first. This is awful, but true.
The online one is not cowardly. If you have talked to someone online somehow- through AIM or what have you, you have something you have talked about on there. You can build your real life conversations off that (when you meet in person.) I have met a couple people online offline before and it went well because we sort of knew each other pretty well from our talks. I am choosy about who I meet, though. I usually don't meet them for months (and in some cases) years after we met online.
I have met a couple guys at bars- or talked more to those I already knew at bars when drinking. Some guys are just out for one thing, but I have met a couple really great ones this way. Yeah, I have been drinking, but it sort of breaks the awkwardness/ice. And when I have been drinking, I don't shut up. We are bound to find common interests. And after awhile, I have hung out with them sober. I am much more quiet, but it makes it a bit easier to open up.
And thirdly, I am kind of the opposite. I am not very picky. I will give almost anyone a chance if they seem like a good person. I don't care much about looks (and I have ecclectic taste in men.) So, I will hang out with someone at least once and see how it goes. I know quite a few people who are TOO picky. I think it can be both good and bad (good because they want the best person for them) and bad because they are missing out on some potentially good people. Perhaps be a little more open-minded with people.