
Hey, just thought i'd drop in and say hello, my name is Mark and I have suffered terrible shyness all my life, am now 32 and hate this awful condition, I have lost out on so much coz i go red at the wrong times! Its so bad i've even taken to getting angry when i'm embarassed, I have no confidence and it sucks, anyone else out there with the same probs?


Well-known member
Hey Mark-

Does this happen all the time or at specific times? How are you with other people..women you find being around them, approaching them, asking them out difficult? How are you when they show interest back????

This seems to be the main theme here :D


Well-known member
i don't mean to be rude, but seeing as i am 18 how did you get to 32 without changing?

do you always just come up with something beter to do when you get the opportunaty? like work and other odd jobs?
do you have any close friends? if so what happens when you go out to places with them?


Well-known member
Yeah, really there is nothing to fear. But it seems to be built in to me sometimes to fear lots of silly things, so it can be really hard to convince myself that.


Active member
Shyness is killing me

Hi Mark, be ready to cover yourself for where you feel vulnerable--like turning red. I used to shake and tremble-- I memorized saying- in case any one commented on it- "Yah, I get so excited it drives me crazy!" Then throw a question back in the small talk arena, like- "so- have you been here before? What's the music like?" The question throws the spotlight back to them and changes the subject at the same time.


I can really empathise with what your saying. I have now luckily cured myself of it the deadly red disease me and my sisters call it hehe. Its so about accepting when something is happening, learning to laugh at yourself and being honest with people if its really upsetting you. I tell everyone if im going red when before if i even mentioned the word red i would litrally go was very weird but yesss you have to accept when its happening . I made a list of all the things i found difficult to do and repeated the easiest one until all the fear was gone and worked my way up.. had to go into a supermarket with a mirror..this is how weird i was hahaha. but yeh it is totally curable if you try the above. I would also say im fairly outgoing...not quiet ...but i love quiet/shy have to love yourself (hehe i sound so american) but its true. as my mum always says you have to be your own best friend but she is totally right. sorry going back to my point- esp shy them...think it makes you all the more interesting and mysterious so work it....why am i trying to be an american here? hahaha

anyway all my luck and love to you


I feel you. Shyness is killing me to. I'm 30 now and my life has gone no were. i failed school on purpose because of it. passed up numerous opportunities cause of it, with girls and making friends. I have no friends anymore. who wants to be around someone who cant have fun and is depressed all the time. i turned to drugs to try to escape and got me no were. Still live at home for Christ sake and deal with alcoholic bullsh*t here. How do you explain that one to someone. You don't, you lie. I pretty much am now addicted to feeling this way. its crazy. pretty much want to die everyday. I defiantly feel you.


New member
im also shy and i really have a hard time trusting anyone, probably because i was too trusting in the past. im realizing the biggest thing is just to not care what other people think. its much easier to just be yourself and deal with people not likeing you that to try to change your personality. when you try to change you just become fake like alot of other people. confidence doesnt mean talking alot


Well-known member
Hey, just thought i'd drop in and say hello, my name is Mark and I have suffered terrible shyness all my life, am now 32 and hate this awful condition, I have lost out on so much coz i go red at the wrong times! Its so bad i've even taken to getting angry when i'm embarassed, I have no confidence and it sucks, anyone else out there with the same probs?

Heya Mark

Yeah I know that feeling I use to feel that way too and still do at times.

For me what I did was I got sick and tired of feeling shy and I channeled that anger into getting things done. I told myself I don't care anymore, I'm gonna conquer this shyness and take risks and try different strategies out.

Also I tell myself don't worry don't expect too much, like things might fail, but at least try and take some positives from trying and find out what went wrong and try not to make those same mistakes again.

It actually worked wonders for me, before mid 2006 I didn't really have anyone I could call a friend. But after applying what I did above I've been making friends since then and even talking to girls more often without getting shy.

So yeah hope this helps you out :)


I was really shy before and still am at times (the journey is not over), and I also had trouble with going red very easily. Just like what suzycello said, accepting it is powerful. Accepting shyness is powerful too, like they say until you accept it (whatever 'it' is), it wont change. Once you accept your shyness, you can go from there and start to control your thought patterns. Like suzy mentioned, learn to love yourself and part of that is not allowing yourself to be disrespectful to yourself... and it starts in your thoughts. I am 45 now, and was severely shy growing up and into my 20's, in fact just a few yrs ago did I learn that it is okay to be myself with people. It takes dedication, consistency, going step by step, starting with your thought patterns... pay attention to them, stop any negative thoughts about yourself, don't allow yourself to disrespect yourself like that, be consistent. At first its going to seem impossible, it will be tiring, but stay with it and if you do, it wont be so much work and pretty soon you wont beat yourself up over things you said, didn't say, didn't do, or going over people judging you for this or that. I hardly ever think like that anymore. You have to be consistent, don't give up. It is worth it! I am now so much more free than I was 25 years ago, yes I'm a quiet person, but not shy, or not as shy, meaning it doesn't rule my life anymore, not even close! I can be myself with people and found it is okay. I am a licensed massage therapist part time (due to the economy) and work in a call center on the phones every day all day long, there is no way I could do either job even 10 yrs ago. It takes time, but it is worth it if you do the steps to get there! Pretty soon, instead of going red, you will start to be able to tease back or laugh at yourself or whatever it may be. And hey, if you still turn red, oh well, its okay, laugh at yourself, smile, because it is okay. : )


Well-known member
Being shy is no big deal. I am totally shy, but still love my life.... What about you guy"s????
You get it???
I'm 33 and have been struggling with shyness since middle school. I lived at home with a mother who hardly talked to me through my childhood, was picked on for being quiet, small and still am. I isolate and am more avoidant now in my 30's just because I don't want to deal with people and their bs. But get me around any new person and i'm a complete mess, don't know what to say and if I say anything it's like I lost half a brain. For the person who asked how you get this way when your this old, age has nothing to do with shyness and it's effects on people. It does get worse as you get older, if you don't get the right help, because you go through more years of negative social experiences, like I have too many times. I hope you can get the help you need like i'm trying to, good luck.


Well-known member
Being shy is no big deal. I am totally shy, but still love my life.... What about you guy"s????
You get it???

I like that my shyness keeps me humble, i am sensitive to other people's feelings and also i am tactful...............Bad points unfortunately outweigh the positives i mentioned.


New member
I'm too a shy person, and its hard for me to communicate with others, especially the opposite sex, when I talk to a girl, especially the one that I like, I feel very nervous and uncomfortable, it sucks you know, cause I feel like a fool and very childish.

btw, sorry if my english is bad, I'm not a native speaker