Shy Man's Orgasm: Fetishes and Partialism


Staff member
I think I need to develop an interest in sex myself :lol:

they say men think about sex every six seconds, I'm trying for every six days at the moment!

dont think I've ever been interested in anything out of the ordinary, arnt I boring!


Well-known member
That's bullshit to say that only shy men develope sexual fetishes. What stereotype is next, shy men are more likely to commit rape?


Well-known member
yer that is definetly some major bullshit right there.

i had to be taught, by experience, and by bieng with girls that are wild like that ... that its ok to be passionate .. and do what you feel. Me being shy .. i held back, and still do quite a bit .. girls that are confident .. never do .. and so i learned its ok. So thats what i mean .. i reckon its the opposite.

the thing that iv learned .. most chicks are nasty nasty nasty in the bedroom .. if you let them, especially girls that have been in long term relationships before. They want you to be extreme ... you might think its "not cool" .. but trust me .. alot of girls swing that way too youl be surprised

even girls that are shy .. if you take the lead .. you will be sooooo surprised as to what they like sometimes ... :lol:


Well-known member
actually .. hehe. before i get anyone into trouble ... if your not sure .. ASK FIRST. Another thing i learned is that theres nothing wrong with asking for direction .. its the best .. for both people


Well-known member
I think if ya willing to get naked with someone then how the hell could you possibly be embarrassed about asking for what you like and asking them what they like. Its amazing how the right ohhhh's and ahhhs cant be used as a


Well-known member
No if I try to pick out anything in particular something else always pops up (no innuendo intended) and then something else and something else *sigh* I'm very indecisive alot of the time so its's all good.

Warm soft flesh.... So much beauty and wonderfullness in so many forms, everywhere!! *groan*

Maybe my username should of been Hungy Joe, then again Major Major is probably more appropriate most of the time. Then again I should probably of tried to think of my own username and not steal it from popular works of fiction.

Did I do a topic about originality? Sorry to go off mind.....wanders......sometimes.....


I read it.
What I always find amazing is the way in which allot of psychologists and psychiatrists say things on subjects with authoritarianism, when no real studies on the subject have been made.
It’s not like either of the contributors were even able to offer their own experience with there patients and surmise a percentage of their patients who were shy and had a fetish/fetishism.
I have a couple of mates who it actually became a problem for and neither of them is shy, far from it.
An x girlfriend, on one occasion, got me to wear her bra on my head.
Alas it did nothing for me other than make me look like an oversized rabbit.
Anyway she seemed to like that which was a worry!
I am just your simple tits legs and ass man myself.


Well-known member
Well, I've heard that male shyness is associated with a huge range of disordered sexuality, from voyeurism, to exhibitionism, to frotteurism.

See, e.g.,

"Studies also show [exhibionists] are shy, dependent, passive, lacking in sexual and social skills, or even inhibited, self-critical, doubts of their masculinity, suffer from feelings of inferiority, overprotective mothers, and poor relationships with their fathers. "

Just another reason for a man to keep his chin up, get some self-confidence, and chase skirts the way normal guys do it. Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop excessive masturbation.