Should I tell my parents?



I'm 19 years old, and my parents know that I blush/have sweaty hands due to hyperhidrosis - but in a way they just laugh it off. I dont think they understand how much it is effecting me.

My mom especially is always imo pressuring me to go out, I think that she thinks im just being lazy and that I would rather be on my computer (which is actually true regarding the fact I'd rather be on my computer due to SA).

I really dont know how to tell them. Also, I've probably failed my french module at uni due to not going to the lessons as the first lesson I went to I had to speak in front of the class and talk to others lots 1on1 which just put me out of my safe zone so that was the first and last french class I went too...


Active member
It's a tricky situation. My parents don't know about my SA because I feel they won't believe me. Even though it would explain a lot of my behaviour ie. not visiting them often as it involves public transport, I still believe they won't understand.
The only things I can think of to suggest is tell them you need to talk to them seriously, and make sure you get all your points across. It may help to write it down first. I'd say lead with fear of their disbelief if it's applicable to you.
Also, if you haven't yet started therapy for your SA you could get the ball rolling for that. A therapist will probably be able to suggest better ways, maybe even inviting your parents to sit in on a session if possible.
Sorry I can't be of more help, but if your parents are understanding, it may make things a little easier.


Well-known member
One option would be to tell them exactly how it affects you, and then try and sit them down if front of the "Health matters" video on SA (see below) which would give credence to what you have described about what you go through. The least they could do is watch the first few minutes. It would go some way to explaining your behaviour. If they did watch the whole video then they'd realise that there are options out there for dealing with your SA (though obviously these won't necessarily work for you), so they may then pressure you into doing something - which you may or may not want right now.

YouTube - Health Matters: What is Social Anxiety Disorder?


Well-known member
I think that it depends on your own judgement as to how your parents may take it, but if your considering it and you want them to know - then id say that u should get it off your chest