Should I go this weekend...


Active member
So my friend invited me to go up and visit him at college this weekend, and Im contemplating wiether or not I should go. Id really like to go, but the only thing holding me back is my SA. I keep having these thoughts in the back of my mind "Your gonna make a fool or yourself" or "all of his friends are gonna think your wierd". I visited him last year and actually had a good time, and even hooked up with a girl :D

However, the only thing that kept my SA under control last time I went was I was basically drunk the entire weekend. I would wake up after partying, eat breakfast and start drinking by the afternoon, sometimes by myself just to get rid of my anxiety :oops:

So you think I should go or not??


Well-known member
You had a good time last time. Youve gone there before so you wont feel out of place so i think you should go again.
Yea I think you should definitely go. This sounds like a perfect opportunity to get out. You have to remember that the only person who thinks badly about you is yourself.

Good luck and have fun.


Well-known member
Yea just go there and be yourself... there's no need to say so much if you're not used to it... just go there and try to enjoy everything you can to leave a good impression and dont be scared that it wont work out... All the best!


Active member
fck i think im gonna pussy out again. a "friend" (dont know him that well) wants to get a ride up with me. i dont think i could handle the 3+ hour drive with just one other person i dont know very well. i could just imagine the akward silence.

thanks for the encouragement though


Well-known member
you should go-- you only live once, make the best out of it. all that matters is that you gave it a shot. it may not have been a "weekend you will always remember" or whatever, but the more social exposure you have the easier it will be for you to overcome this anxiety.

i would go, it will be fun. it sounded like you had fun last time, and maybe this time you will feel comfortable enough to be yourself and so you dont have to drink to be "fun" to hang out w/

let us know how it goes!


Active member
so i maned up and went. my anxiety wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be, but then again i was drunk pretty much 24/7.

thanks for the support


Active member
okay you said you wanted the details. its not that exciting but here it is:

drank before i left my house to make the 3 hour drive with my friend (bad i know). but it helped so much. i actually enjoyed the car drive just bullshiting with my friend. without the alcohol i would have been a nervous wreck. then when we got there we drank some more. went to a couple parties and drank more (are you seeing a trend yet?)

then went to sleep. woke up the next morning, smoked a couple bowls. then went to downtown go get something to eat. after that we went swimming at the river were a bunch of the students chilled and we drank some more. then ate dinner and drank some more afterwards before we went out to some parties. and the night ended with us almost getting accidently involved in a gang fight (no joke).

in hindsight im glad i went because it better than the typical weekend i spend myself.