Should I get help?


New member
I have had this "problem" now for about five or six years. I've never spoken to anyone about it because it is embarrassing but lately it's beginning to interfere with everyday tasks.

The first thing that started -and to this day continues and is the worst- is this weird ritual I absolutely HAVE to do before sleeping, driving, showering, using the bathroom, sex, smoking a cigarette, watching TV, going to work, ETC.

I have to kiss my fingers, make a piece sign, and then a thumbs up. I know how ridiculously crazy that sounds. It IS ridiculous, and it's been going on for years now. It's gotten to the point where if I don't do this "thing" perfectly right, I have to repeat it (sometimes 10, 20, or even 30 times) before I can proceed with anything else (sleeping, driving, etc.).

I think this "thing" has somehow branched off into other things in my life.

-When i'm in a room where I need the door locked, I have to check several times that it is locked.
-When I take any kind of medication, I have to count and recount the amount of pills several times before I can take them.
-Before bed, I *have* to urinate, usually forcing it. If I can't, I have to drink water so that I can. Otherwise, I simply can't lay down.

What in the heck is wrong with me? I've heard of OCD but it just seems a bit extreme. Are these things just habits I need to break? If so, how? It's gotten to the point where they can take up to an hour or more of my day....and it's annoying. Hell, i've even CRIED out of this overwhelming sense of uncertainty if I don't perform said task "correctly".

I really appreciate any advice in advance. This is the only active forum I could fine. Thanks!