Should I bother trying another SSRI?


Hi everyone,

I have been on Prozac, Paxil, and Pristiq. None have worked. Should I even bother trying another SSRI or SNRI? Has anyone not had luck with one SSRI/SNRI but been successful on another as far as alleviating or reducing their social anxiety?




Really?! That's amazing. I'm so happy to hear that. It gives me hope that there is some medication out there that can do the same for me. How long have you been taking it? How long till you felt the positive effects?

Right now I am not on any meds but I am taking Ayruvedic herbs. Its a combination that is supposed to get rid of anxiety. It's only been 2 and 1/2 weeks and I'm told I won't feel the effects until at least 4 weeks. We shall see...



Well-known member
I started taking it like 7 or 8 months ago. I don't really remember how long it took to kick in. Maybe 2 or 3 months. I feel like a whole new person though. You should definitely talk to your doctor about it.


Had you taken any other SSRIs before Celexa?

I actually have taken Celexa before, but it was many years ago. I don't think I gave it much time, maybe only a few weeks, until I gave up. But my memory could be wrong. Anyway, maybe after I give these herbs a go (and hopefully they end up working, but if they don't...) I will give Celexa a real try.


Well-known member
I took Zoloft a couple of years ago and it didn't work but I didn't take it everyday like I was supposed to. Yeah, my doctor said Celexa takes like 6 weeks before you start to notice a difference.


Actually, a friend of mine at work is taking Celexa too, but for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She says she likes it. It helps her not freak out.

A Many Splendored Thing

Well-known member
I started on a starting dose of Prozac(10mg) in August, and after 3 weeks, I only noticed a slight reduction in depression. The dosage was upped to 20mg, and after a week, I feel like a whole new person. I sat in a Mcdonalds and ate a meal with only a slight anxiety(could just be described as awareness, really), which is a big difference.

About 2 years ago, I tried Zoloft for a week or two, but that was like a rollercoaster that started to be only downhill so I quit that. I don't like being on medication anyway, which is why I took so long to try another... but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Definitely try more, give it time, and up the dosage if needed. You won't get rid of nervousness though, because I'm still nervous about getting a job. Nervous and anxious are two different things though.:)


Spendored Thing,

I tried Prozac years and years ago. And I very recently used it for a month to help wean off an SNRI I was taking. It unfortunatly did not help my anxiety. But it helps to hear that you had tried Zoloft with no sucess but that another SSRI helped you a lot.
