Shortness of Breath


Well-known member
Oh man, that happens to me all the time. It's pretty scary. Truthfully, I only deal with it by dealing with it.. if that makes sense. I just try to calm down and zone out of everything, but it doesn't usually work. Sometimes it lasts a couple minutes and other times, several hours. I never thought it could be because of my anxiety though.. I just assumed there was something wrong physically. So if anxiety does have that effect on a lot of people, then maybe it is psychological. What do you do when it happens?


Well-known member
Yeah I thought it was something physical also. I am not 100% sure but I think it could be a side effect of a medication I am taking for hyperhidrosis. I am doing a pulmonary function test on wednesday to find out if it is a physical problem or psychological. I am starting to think that my anxiety is just so bad that I am experiencing some pretty intense physical symptoms and shortness of breath is one of them. I haven't really found a good way to cope with it either. Originally when I thought it was a physical problem I tried an herb called astragalus that is supposed to help with breathing and also a phosphorus supplement. To be honest I could tell the difference in my ability to breath but I guess it also could be in my head then. Its hard to tell keep me updated if you find anything out and I will do the same.


Well-known member
Sounds good. It's been bothering me for a while, so please let me know how it goes for you on Wednesday. I remember mentioning it to my doctor several years ago but she just laughed at me and said it was stress. But does it ever happen to you when you're not anxious but doing something that you're perfectly comfortable with?


Well-known member
yes that's why I was thinking it was physical or a side effect of meds. If I just walk up some stairs or something I will be totally out of breath. I was trying to read aloud at night alone and I had to pause and catch my breath between every sentence. I felt like I had no anxiety at the time, but I guess that will all be sorted out wednesday.


Well-known member
I can get short of breath on the phone as I 'forget' to breath. I try and focus on what's being said by the other person rather than focusing on my symptons.


Well-known member
yeah it happens to me on the phone also. It snowed quite a bit here and I had to reschedule my pulmonary function lab till jan 26th. I will let u know what happens then