Shalom everyone.


Hi my name is Nellie and I found this forum by typing in "extreme shyness forums". Kind of silly, I know.

I am 29, wife and mother of 2 girls and a full time student.
It is very difficult for me to do this because I happen to be shy on-line as well as in person. (I know that doesn't make much sense)
I have also found a little salvation is discussion boards but I felt the need to find one that may help me work out my personal issues and/or speak with people who understand me a little better instead of thinking I am 'weird' or something of the like.
It is only recently that I have thought to look into my issues and why I feel the way I do. (I'm even nervous typing this)
Apparently being shy is a big social taboo and people treat you as such. It doesn't help that you don't talk with other 'shy' people because they are to shy to talk to you as well. :roll: :wink:

A little background on me: I didn't speak until I was about 7 and only at home. I was always known as 'weird' or someone with 'low self esteem' and told that I should just get over it. (wow, really? Why didn't I think of that? insert sarcasm)
I researched a little about selective mutism and it described me to a T as a child. I also think my problem is a little worse than extreme shyness. I am terrified of social situations and it is effecting everything in my life.

There is so much more to this but I don't want to bore you all, not to mention I have to go pick up my girls.

The main reason for me to come here is, I believe, is the first step for me to deal with my personal problems and find other people like me so I don't feel like such a freak. (I know, not the best choice of words, sorry) but most importantly I have two little girls that could be effected by this I don't want them to miss out on playdates and social interactions and I especially don't want to be the 'weird mom'.

If you read all of this you are really nice. :)
Take care all and I hope to get to know everyone a little better.


Well-known member
Hello Nelliefar, welcom to SPW. :)

Don't worry about being shy online too - I was like that at first, and I'm always a little shy if I post in a new forum for the first time. It should get easier for you. :) Or, at least, it did for me.

Anyway, welcome. :D


Well-known member


Brucha haba'a. =)


Well-known member
sensitive said:
I guess that means you are pro-israel?
It doesn't mean anything. The title of this thread is "Shalom everyone." not "Salam everyone." so I naturally assumed that she is Israeli.
Of course, she could very well not be... working on assumptions here.

In any case, I like to comment on nationalities as a welcoming method. After all, on here, be we Croats or Serbs, Israelis or Palestinians, North Koreans or South Koreans, it doesn't matter, our countries' politics are meaningless, we are not enemies.