Sexual side effects???

Personally if I had to choose which side effect I had to deal with, I'd much rather have the loss of my sex drive than dizzyness, vomiting or the trots. When compared to those, not wanting sex seems minor (but that's just me). Also, sex, or my desire to have every waking minute of the day, has been the main problem in my relationship with my fiancee, and I/we could use a break. :p

I tried Prozac a few years ago, but it made me violently ill and I had to stop taking it. After that I was afraid to try something else. Recently a friend told me about Welbutrin, but from the sounds of it it doesn't cause sexual side effects and so has me wondering what it does cause.


Well-known member
Meow said:
This is embarrassing but... I am taking Cymbalta and Clonazepam (klonopin) and altho my sex drive is fine I can't reach orgasm. I get to the point and just cant make it over the edge, I have managed to on the drugs but barely.

Anyone else experience this on either of this drugs, I'd like to know which one is the problem?

My psychiatrist said if it effected my sex drive she could prescribe wellbutrin to fix it, but said nothing about inability to orgasm.

Any ideas? sorry for the gross subject matter! :oops:

Oh I also experienced this on Fluoextine YEARS ago.

in my experience, anti-depressant drugs are part of a corporate pyramid scheme, none of them work, and it's a bunch of bullshit. If you feel any side effects, it's most likely due to the chalk or some other unknown substance that's inside the pill. The pill is either 100% chalk (or other white substance), or an assortment of sugar, unknown (non anti-depressant) chemicals, and possibly a digestable form of plastic.


Well-known member
BornAgain said:
Meow said:
This is embarrassing but... I am taking Cymbalta and Clonazepam (klonopin) and altho my sex drive is fine I can't reach orgasm. I get to the point and just cant make it over the edge, I have managed to on the drugs but barely.

Anyone else experience this on either of this drugs, I'd like to know which one is the problem?

My psychiatrist said if it effected my sex drive she could prescribe wellbutrin to fix it, but said nothing about inability to orgasm.

Any ideas? sorry for the gross subject matter! :oops:

Oh I also experienced this on Fluoextine YEARS ago.

in my experience, anti-depressant drugs are part of a corporate pyramid scheme, none of them work, and it's a bunch of bullshit. If you feel any side effects, it's most likely due to the chalk or some other unknown substance that's inside the pill. The pill is either 100% chalk (or other white substance), or an assortment of sugar, unknown (non anti-depressant) chemicals, and possibly a digestable form of plastic.

Prove it


Well-known member
Thelema said:
BornAgain said:
Meow said:
This is embarrassing but... I am taking Cymbalta and Clonazepam (klonopin) and altho my sex drive is fine I can't reach orgasm. I get to the point and just cant make it over the edge, I have managed to on the drugs but barely.

Anyone else experience this on either of this drugs, I'd like to know which one is the problem?

My psychiatrist said if it effected my sex drive she could prescribe wellbutrin to fix it, but said nothing about inability to orgasm.

Any ideas? sorry for the gross subject matter! :oops:

Oh I also experienced this on Fluoextine YEARS ago.

in my experience, anti-depressant drugs are part of a corporate pyramid scheme, none of them work, and it's a bunch of bullshit. If you feel any side effects, it's most likely due to the chalk or some other unknown substance that's inside the pill. The pill is either 100% chalk (or other white substance), or an assortment of sugar, unknown (non anti-depressant) chemicals, and possibly a digestable form of plastic.

Prove it


You see, I am one who is experienced in the use of psychoactive drugs. I have also tried many perscription pain killers and other pharms that induce a pleasurable experience. I've done ecstasy, cocaine, ALOT of weed, alcohol, opium, psychadelic mushrooms, alcohol, tobacco, and many others I cant think of right now.

I have been percribed zoloft and wellbutrin. Compared to ANY drug available, those are the worst, in terms of "feeling", and you don't feel shit. I get higher from laying down with my head upside down then from these bullshit pharms.

In my opinion, any drug, especially corporate pharms, that claims that in order to feel its effects, you have to take it daily and wait a month to feel better, is not a drug. Drugs take effect practicaly instantly, and I've never heard of any other drug besides "anti-depressants" that in order to get high, you have to ingest massive amounts (in comparison to other drugs) daily for a month.

It's just bullshit!


Well-known member
Number1usjoe said:
I don’t know why you would apologies for speaking on real issue of your medication. Yes I guess speaking about your body is a bit embarrassing for some people but being so politically correct is ridicules especially when this side effect is the most noticed problem with ssri medications.

I took klonopin for 3 weeks I didn’t notice sexual side effects. I took lexapro(ssri) for almost 2 months and I did notice what u described.

I think its a part of taking medication you have take good with the bad. I think having more control and being less driven by animal instincts is better for a person who has high libido. I have very high libido and medication took that away almost entirely.

Dont apologise for being heterosexual. Part of being male is being sexualy driven. Are you really sorry for natural part of your make up?

are you talking to me??? wtf....


Well-known member
most anti-depressants have the sexual side effects. seems like you have to sacrifice the sexual release if you want to be less depressed. sometimes its worth it.
I would think that a sexual release would actually make a person happy.

Temporarily perhaps... but it does still suck that both depression and most anti-depressants suppress your libido. I know that when I was at my most depressed, I didn't even want sex, much less enjoy it. I didn't even know how to fully enjoy sex until at least my mid-twenties.


Anti depressants normaly supress my sex drive,and depression itself makes me nearly be not bothered about sex (Nearly..I am still male).But the new ones I'm on have really helped my mood and my sex drive has come back with a venganceeeee!


Well-known member
iv forgoten what sex is even like , i aint seen my gf for 4 months shes been looking after her sick daughter , but shes coming over this fri and boy am i gonna make up for it , the poor girl wont know whats hit her :D:D:D


but shes coming over this fri and boy am i gonna make up for it , the poor girl wont know whats hit her :D:D:D

Maybe she does and thats the secret reason she hasnt been round for 4 months haha :D Only joking,I hope her Daughter gets better soon and you get your fun.


Well-known member
Maybe she does and thats the secret reason she hasnt been round for 4 months haha :D Only joking,I hope her Daughter gets better soon and you get your fun.

oh ill get it alright dont you worry about that :D and her daughter is ok now thanks ;)


Well-known member


hey everyone,

i am currently on zoloft (have been for about a year) for anxiety and it has completely killed my sex drive.. i wanted to switch to a new med.. preferrably one that would boost my sex drive BUT i have no idea which ones are better to take. anybody know? i am a really pissed chick.
meds affect everyone differently. something that works for someone else might not work for u.


Well-known member
Don't worry... my social problems have a far greater impact on my "sex life" than any medication ever has

the average New Zealander over the age of 18 has sex 114 times a year. Im 23 so I need to have sex 570 times to catch up with my peers :(
that's once every 3.2 days so NZ is behind TX, where the average is once every 3.3 days. :)


Well-known member
Unfortunately sexual side effect and weight gain are very common when it come to antidepressants.It's nothing to be embarrass about it's very common.Clonazepam should have no effect on sex drive.In my experience wellbutrin has less sexual sides affect then Cymbalta but it's different for ever one.

One thing I would suggest is ask your doctor about Buspar.It's a anti anxiety med that not related to Clonazepam.It works more like a antidepressants not anti anxiety med but in some case its been known to counteract the sexual side affect of antidepressants.I thought I would throw that out there.
i take buspar but i haven't heard of the relief for side effects. interesting