Thelema said:
BornAgain said:
Meow said:
This is embarrassing but... I am taking Cymbalta and Clonazepam (klonopin) and altho my sex drive is fine I can't reach orgasm. I get to the point and just cant make it over the edge, I have managed to on the drugs but barely.
Anyone else experience this on either of this drugs, I'd like to know which one is the problem?
My psychiatrist said if it effected my sex drive she could prescribe wellbutrin to fix it, but said nothing about inability to orgasm.
Any ideas? sorry for the gross subject matter!
Oh I also experienced this on Fluoextine YEARS ago.
in my experience, anti-depressant drugs are part of a corporate pyramid scheme, none of them work, and it's a bunch of bullshit. If you feel any side effects, it's most likely due to the chalk or some other unknown substance that's inside the pill. The pill is either 100% chalk (or other white substance), or an assortment of sugar, unknown (non anti-depressant) chemicals, and possibly a digestable form of plastic.
Prove it
You see, I am one who is experienced in the use of psychoactive drugs. I have also tried many perscription pain killers and other pharms that induce a pleasurable experience. I've done ecstasy, cocaine, ALOT of weed, alcohol, opium, psychadelic mushrooms, alcohol, tobacco, and many others I cant think of right now.
I have been percribed zoloft and wellbutrin. Compared to ANY drug available, those are the worst, in terms of "feeling", and you don't feel shit. I get higher from laying down with my head upside down then from these bullshit pharms.
In my opinion, any drug, especially corporate pharms, that claims that in order to feel its effects, you have to take it daily and wait a month to feel better, is not a drug. Drugs take effect practicaly instantly, and I've never heard of any other drug besides "anti-depressants" that in order to get high, you have to ingest massive amounts (in comparison to other drugs) daily for a month.
It's just bullshit!