In my experience, the first Paxil/Seroxat (paroxetine) causes high energy and markedly good mood, and strong sex drive... but the next morning, I was tired, lethargic, unhappy, and completely impotent

I got RIGHT off of those pills (heh I was living with a GF at the time :twisted: ).
Effexor (venlafaxine) had no sexual side effects for me at all (perhaps a very slight prolongation of time to orgasm-- not a bad thing!!). It was all the other side effects that were the problem.
Wellbutrin/Zyban (bupropion) XR gave me a mega "speed rush" and exacerbated my anxiety.
Ativan (lorazepam) worked well for me. It's not an antidepressant, it's a benzodiazepine tranquilizer... methinks my depression is caused by the anxiety. But it's DAMN hard to get a doc to just give you a benzo these days... the insurance companies also keep track of what you fill, so they'd know if I just filled a 'scrip for Ativan and not whatever SSRI they'll throw at me next... hence I go medless (the more I know about and see the effects of SSRI/SNRIs, the less inclined i am to take them... but I totally need something... I just don't want to play the Great Med Merry Go Round game again ["Here, try this pill, then we'll triple your dosage and see what that does... and in a month or two perhaps we'll have you try an additional pill or another one entirely..."]).
Docs are so scared of the Fed anti-druggers that they give people Trazodone as a sleeping pill-- it ain't a sleeping pill, it's an antidepressant-- never mind that piling two antidepressants atop each other is running serious risks (*much* bigger risks than benzo addiction) of possibly-fatal serotonin syndrome... not to mention Trazodone's nasty little habit of being Super-Viagra (priapism-- the erection that won't let you down... not useful, painful and dangerous... ). This happened to an acquaintance, fortunately his problem resolved before he needed to got to the hospital (untreated priapism that won't go away can cause clotting, cut-off circulation... who wants their pee-pee to turn black and fall off?? Not me!!!).
Damn you, Nancy Reagan, for making it so hard for millions who need tranquilizers and pain meds (which really are SAFE drugs when used properly) to get them... and prompting doctors to throw possibly unsafe, untested, side-effect-laden, more-expensive combos of pills at people instead to cover their asses. Us peons get to pay more for more pills that are less safe and less effective. (?!?)
This is one way the Drug War kills people, and costs them more $$ at the same time. End off-topic rant.