severe eye-twiching


Well-known member
Hi all , i was just wondering has anyone ever had expereince with bad eye-twiches , i used to suffer from a really bad twich under my right eye , it was really noticeable and it was so bad , that my eye only twiched when i made eye-contact with people , it actually caused me to develop social phobia and avoidant personality disorder , i can remember the day it started vividly , i think it was drug-induced , because at that time i was using ecstacy alot , and it all happened after a long night out with hardly any sleep , at that time i worked on a deli counter in a local supermarket , and it just came from nowhere , it totally freaked me out , and although the twich is long gone , im still suffering 7 years later with severe anxiety and a really bad eye-contact issue(my main issue with anxiety) , thanks for your replies in advance , Robbie


"Hi all , i was just wondering has anyone ever had expereince with bad eye-twiches"

To that question, yes I have them and still do. It started when I was 10 and got worst and worst. It comes and goes. The wierd part is that 5 of my little cousins have eye twiches as well.

I dont have any experinces with drugs, but I bet that maid things worst. But the lack of sleep does cause me to twich really badly. Getting back to your normal sleep habit can help.

"and although the twich is long gone , im still suffering 7 years later with severe anxiety and a really bad eye-contact issue(my main issue with anxiety) , thanks for your replies in advance , Robbie"

Same here its tough. Eye contact is intense for me, my adrenilane spikes up and my palms begin to sweat. Hope others will give you better advice, thats all I have. Peace