sever insomnia


I cant sleep at night no matter what I do, I can only sleep2-3 hours its been 3 months now , i feel like im going to die..what should I do?


yes about 2 months ago but the doctor made me feel extermly uncomfortable with his questions and attitudes, also he was not answering properly my questions about the medications he prescript for my insomnia so I did not take any of them and I dont really like to visit a doctor -it is useless -
Its really worth the effort to shop around until finding a doctor that you click with. What are the reasons you can't sleep, as you see it?


I recently lost a very very close friend of me to death and I can get over it but i had random insomina way before that
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Ive had that when my anxiety was at its worst with panic attacks and all.. sometimes I had chest pains and I couldn't breath lots of running thoughts that I couldn't seem to stop and constantly having to move around my advice would be to try and relax yourself and let go of all your worries so your mind is blank and concentrate on your breathing...try 2 or 3 bags of camomile tea and have that before your bed time also get some magnesium plus tablets and take 4 of those.. works for me! stupid relaxant and sleeping pills just make u feel **** in the morning and u cannot wake up and you seem to get immune to them way to easily...also while your drinking your tea read a nice book hope that helps!


thanks jess for your suggestion , I will diffidently going to give a try to your natural prescription because it is natural and it sounds handy. i m always afraid of getting use to the sleeping drugs and tranquilizers and become addicted to them beside I dont like the side effects


Well-known member
You should try Melatonin supplements and/or antihistamines - they should not require perscription and they are perfectly safe.
Your body makes melatonin as a part of the inner clock mechanism, at night/in darkness. Antihistamines is meant to counter histamines when you have allergies or something.
Both will make you drowsy and might help, without putting a perscription drug in your system to take over the function of inducing sleep.

I too am not very happy with doctors, the majority of will take over the conversation and you won't get a clear answer to what exactly a drug does to you for example. It helps to be super straightforward though, or get a better doctor.


Well-known member
If you drink coffee try giving that up and limit your sugar intake. Keep your bedroom tidy and clutter free to make your sleeping quarters a peaceful place. You could also try using foam ear plugs to dampen down external noise, i have found these very helpful and i use them every night. Sorry to hear about your friend.