SEREDYN?? for social phobia?



Iam reading the article of it, I got this site from an advertisement right above the "Shyness Forum" So far iam very happy to see some interesting "facts" by the product. Iam so soon to ordering it, omg! iam dieing to try it. Maybe i will change and be more happier, have more ablity to talk to anyone without being nervously worried about what iam about to say. hopefully its a shy-killer.
take your time to go through it, seems great. and its not as a DRUG that you get prescribed by a doctor.


i would be careful if i were you.

its easy for thing s to sound great.

It may help but i doubt it will relief as much of your shyness
as you think.

dont want to discourage you tho.
just take it for what it is, a pill that may help somewhat.