Self introduction


Active member
Hi there!

Now that I have done the "safe" thing, trolled the site for a few days, worked up the courage to post in a few threads where I can appear clinical, detached and calmy define a problem in the usual way I feel I can actually introduce myself :)

Well, I'm mid 30's, qualified Civil Engineer, and am a textbook case of AvPD. When I read Martin Kantor's bible it really resounded with me, it described every single aspect of my life. I havent had any formal therapy, I have made an appointment a few times, but I cant seem to get myself into an office to sit down and discuss it with them.

Being honest I am at the end of my tether with regards to this whole thing. I need to reach out, understand that there are others like me so I can build up a reservoir of courage and actually tackle this thing. I find I cant enjoy too much anymore due to the massive pre-occupation I have with AvPD, all the thoughts in all the threads and what I "should" and "shouldnt" be doing, whats wrong, how to fix it, why I should be comfortable, how I should drive etc etc etc. I tried reaching out to my family, but they are as avoidant as I am, and still in the mad-crazy-in-denial-stage.

I was a bright kid, bullied excessively, didnt develop normal communication skills. Lets see, diagnosed with major depression (still persistant) and agorophobia (I got back out of the house for a coupla years, but I can feel the anxiety worsening again) and am the poster child for AvPD.

Sorry guys, I know long posts are almost impossible to read, but I guess I'm trying to open up.

So yeah, Hi :)


Well-known member
Love the name CaptainArgh! Welcome to the forum mate! I spent years in denial and in pain. I became a member of this forum a month ago and it has really helped me understand myself. It's like when people write about themselves they are also holding up a mirror. I see myself in so many of the threads its as if I could have written them!

Don't hold back any longer. With our disease, if you're not moving forward, your moving backwards! Good luck. You can do it!


Well-known member
Hi CaptainArgh,
It's nice to meet you, and welcome to the forum
Reading your post makes me feel not so alone, so thanks:)