secondary causes - what are they?


Active member
I've often thought that my HH must have been brought on by a secondary cause but I'm not sure what these causes are - does anyone know? And how do you get tested for them?


I believe most people with primary HH noticed it when they were between 11-14. Some can remember having it since they were small kids. If yours presented itself at an older age, I'd suspect a treatable medical cause.

I'd go to your doctor and request a physical, as well as blood work. I'd definitely get CBC, metabolic panel, thyroid function, and preferably hormones like testosterone and estrogen. If you have insurance, great! If not, check out They're WAY cheaper than if you just go to Labcorp with no insurance. Those bastards will put the screws to you.

Anyway, basically, you want a full blood work up. Go for it. There's no reason to suffer with this if it can be treated. Good luck!


I just want to reiterate this again. If you have HH and have never had a physical and full blood work, PLEASE DO IT!! Don't just assume that you have primary HH. You may have a thyroid issue, hormone issue, etc. All of these are easily treatable and diagnosing it now will save you a lot of pain and money down the road. Just because I and others here have primary HH, doesn't mean we all do. Good luck folks! I hope you find relief!