School >;[


Well-known member
Hey, my names Sabrina, 17 and new to these forums. Problem is I can't go to school. I just won't. I've been missing around a third of all classes for two straight years, grade 10 and now grade 11. It comes in after-shocks, I'll miss full weeks, then i'll slowly start going until I get back into the habit of kicking myself out. But I only kick myself out when i'm confident, and the last time I was confident enough was 10 pounds ago. Now it's the last stretch of school, and because next year is grade 12 and i'm stuck in this habit, I feel an overwhelming sense of doom. I used to be the 'smart one' to everybody, now there is no 'everybody' and i'm dropping most classes and at best reaching a C in subjects I still love.

Idk what my question is. I mean, if I see a psychologist and get a note or something will the teachers cut me some slack? I wish I would just step out of that friggin door!


Well-known member
well i think you should see someone to help with your problems , you cant really go on as you are missing school all the time .... good luck


You need to see the school counselor about your problems right now. Don't wait another day. You owe it to yourself to get the help you deserve.


Well-known member
My friend was not in a good situation about a year ago. He started missing school because of it and wanted to drop out. Eventually it got to the point where he was no longer even coming to school at all. We were both in 12th grade and by the end of that year there was no way he could graduate. Me and his mom helped him enroll at a learning center at the community college I now go to. He's still not very happy there, but he wants to graduate and will be able to eventually. Maybe you can find a similar program. I'm sure there's things like that around or near where you live.
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Well-known member
Please .. go to school, do whatever it takes. No school = No job ! The longer you stay away from school the more problems you will get. I'm sorry, especially because this is probably shocking you, but you should really go, it's the best for you. Good luck with it !


Well-known member
Please .. go to school, do whatever it takes. No school = No job ! The longer you stay away from school the more problems you will get. I'm sorry, especially because this is probably shocking you, but you should really go, it's the best for you. Good luck with it !

i agree with this ;)
hey I
m kinda in ur situaution.. but when u have a psych or smthg, and u feel bad.. u can miss out woth reason.. so they wont kic u out, thats what I do (H).. but htta doesnt mean u cant go to school every time u dont feel like it :)


Active member
you can go to a cyber school. taking classes online?
i want to do this soo bad. i know exactly how you feel. im still going to my classes but its just getting harder and harder. im also 17 btw.
i struggle a lot with forcing myself to go. it just takes so much effort to be there and to have to try to talk to people. but i did tell my school councellor that i couldnt be called on in class because of panic attacks, and the teachers stopped. if i were you i would tell a school councellor and just see what they suggest. they might tell you to do school in modules from home. :)


Well-known member
I skipped another day today...aaaarg. It's just so hard to go back when you haven't been to a class in awhile, and the teachers are literally trying to track you down. I hate the amount of attention and observation I suddenly will receive! But i've showed up in times like these before and I know once the class gets rolling after the bell rings the attention will lurch towards teaching and learning and away from the kid who hasn't been here for forever, so today has been my last day of skipping, I'm going to make sure I go to school on wednesday, (the next day 1, the one i've missed for around 2 weeks now).

Ashley, i've considered online courses SO thoroughly, but i'm undecided whether it's a good way to go because it will further isolate me... then again, next year is my LAST year of highschool and the most important school year. I am desperate to do well and I know I can do a lot better with online classes... I think i'll get a psych and ask her/him about this..