school is such a struggle every day with SA..


Active member
I find that every day is such a struggle just to not make an idiot of myself somehow, but then I always do, like in lessons if the teacher asks me a question about something I always go red and have a mind blank even if I know the answer. Any kind of public speaking we have to do sends me into a state of panick, cause it's one of my biggest fears having to stand up in front of a group of however many people and talk since I always end up humiliating myself by getting so nervous, like going bright red and stuttering over all my words which makes people notice when they probably wouldn't have been paying attention anyway which makes it even worse.. I hate how people don't understand how horrible this shit is so they think it's ok to laugh about how nervous I get, some people even laugh in my face like there's one group who'll call me over when I'm alone and start saying shit like oohh are you scared of us or something? Which I am cause I always get intimidated by the outgoing/loud people then I just do something dumb cause I'm so nervous like just not answer and walk away with a red face. Cause I can't stand up for myself at all.. I hate how even when I'm with my friends I get anxious cause I'm the only quiet one in the group and I can only feel comfortable when I'm with like 2-3 of them, cause when we're all in a big group I feel too anxious to speak out in front of them all so I just stay silent. I also don't get paid attention to much cause I'm so quiet and boring and people will only listen to the more extroverted ones.. Then again when it's just one-on-one with me and a friend I worry about what to say and then my mind just goes blank and there ends up being loads of awkward silences or just complete silence. Phone calls for this reason are like 10x worse.

I always try to bottle it all up and act like nothing is wrong cause I simply can't open up to anyone about this not my friends or family or anyone...

*sigh* had to let this out :/

any advice or comments appreciated..


Well-known member
I can totally identify with you.. :(
I have only one person who I can speak to without worrying about SA type stuff, but if anybody else speaks to me I go red and stutter or just say stupid things.
The worst thing is when you think you've said something stupid, and you spend the next few hours/days obsessing over it. Churning it round and round in your head, because is just makes you feel worse.

The best thing I find it just to try and forget about whatever "stupid" thing you've said, and just laugh off any stuttering etc.
Good luck :)


Well-known member
You should, just lose it the next time a teacher singles you out. Fuck them. They should be aware of this shit. I did it when I was at school. No shit, I had a go at him. They soon learn to be nice to you. You can only take so much. Well that’s my emotional reaction. Probably not the best reaction. We all have conflicts with our logical brain and our emotional (limbic system) response. Perhaps you need to just talk this one out. LOL. Furthermore few people escape high school unscathed. Just remember this. It ends sooner than you think. A lot sooner. It’s just a passing phase that ends. Then you can live your life.


Well-known member
yeah im the same i go red so often people dont even know what colour my skin really is lol
ive to give a speech infront of my eng class soon & i know ill go so red!
also im the same wen i go out with my friends, just think that their prob a little nervous aswell out in public & although they arent saying it, you arent the only one :D plus their your friends so they care about you so just sit back in the chair, take deep breaths & think positive!!


Active member
We are in the exact same position, I hate it when I go red and I'm only comfortable with a few friends


New member
Man Im in the exact same position as you are. I used to be able to talk to everyone and make alot of freinds, then 2 years ago in 9th grade i started to be really shy. I feel like im drifting away from the people that i have been such good freinds with, because they are making tons of new freinds and im not connecting with these new people they are chilling with . I felt comfortable when it was just my good freinds, but they always invite these new poeple they meet, and i feel so uncomfortable around them. It sucks... Hopefully we will all get over it, its just high school after all... maby college will be the best times of our lives.
: :)


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
I can totally identify with you.. :(
I have only one person who I can speak to without worrying about SA type stuff, but if anybody else speaks to me I go red and stutter or just say stupid things.
The worst thing is when you think you've said something stupid, and you spend the next few hours/days obsessing over it. Churning it round and round in your head, because is just makes you feel worse.

The best thing I find it just to try and forget about whatever "stupid" thing you've said, and just laugh off any stuttering etc.
Good luck :)
I'm 18 and i still think about stuff from when i was 16, it will just pop into my head out of no where and i'll feel like complete shit.

But Midnight, when i was in school i was the exact same way. However i dealt with it by sitting in the hall by myself every lunch and doing whatever i could to avoid social situations. Do not do this, i can't stress it enough. Biggest mistake of my life....i have no life from high school to look back on accept some negative memories, don't be stupid like me and make some positive will keep you going, trust me.


Well-known member
I completely sympathize with this. It feels so great to know i'm not the only one who feels this way! The little everyday things at school, like having to give a presentation in front of your class, just seem like an impossible, monumentally big deal. I spend at least half my time at school avoiding things like this - luckily for me, my school is quite understanding: my form tutor lets me sit out certain lessons in his office when i'm having a particularly bad day. It's a life saver! And my friends are really great - they don't really understand, but they don't judge me either.

I think i'm getting a bit more confident than i was - i had to give a presentation to my english class the other day. I managed to pull myself together long enough to actually crack a joke. Sure, it didn't have the class in fits, but it still felt like i'd conquered Everest!

I'm currently freaking out, though. I just won this school art competition (art is the only thing i'm remotely good at), and i've got to stand up in front of about 200 hundred people to accept the prize. I'm terrified. They can keep their bloody prize, just leave me alone!!

Emily x


Well-known member
social phobia, regardless of what kind of symptom you have got,comes from inner struggle.
you go red, but you think you should not go red, then the inner struggle starts, itis the same with that you feel panic, but you think you should not go paic, etc. so to gradually stop inner struggle is the initial step towards recovery. flow with your symptom


Jacky1980 said:
social phobia, regardless of what kind of symptom you have got,comes from inner struggle.
you go red, but you think you should not go red, then the inner struggle starts, itis the same with that you feel panic, but you think you should not go paic, etc. so to gradually stop inner struggle is the initial step towards recovery. flow with your symptom
I know this is exactly the main reason of my anxiety. But when I see people looking at me like I'm crazy, I think I should not go panic. :roll:
And also I'm wondering if anyone else has any trouble except blushing while speaking?


yea, I do get a lot of trouble besides blushing... First I constantly stutter, then I get all embarrassed and uneasy and then I start sweltering and sweating a lot... I even get tongue-tied or speak incoherently like no one can get any sense out of what I'm saying and that can be really humiliating...


Well-known member
The good part is you know what's up with you and you can work on that. I didn't finish my exams after school and I quit college because of this problem, the anxiety in the classes, blushing, being put on the spot etc. I had zero support from anyone and I felt alone, I had no idea what was going on.
I've thought about going back to school and now I think I might be able to, although it's hard. Because I am 7 years older now and i've learnt to deal with my SA a bit better with time.
Stick it out and finish school, you can do it! I know it's really difficult.
Midnight said:
I find that every day is such a struggle just to not make an idiot of myself somehow, but then I always do, like in lessons if the teacher asks me a question about something I always go red and have a mind blank even if I know the answer. Any kind of public speaking we have to do sends me into a state of panick, cause it's one of my biggest fears having to stand up in front of a group of however many people and talk since I always end up humiliating myself by getting so nervous, like going bright red and stuttering over all my words which makes people notice when they probably wouldn't have been paying attention anyway which makes it even worse.. I hate how people don't understand how horrible this shit is so they think it's ok to laugh about how nervous I get, some people even laugh in my face like there's one group who'll call me over when I'm alone and start saying shit like oohh are you scared of us or something? Which I am cause I always get intimidated by the outgoing/loud people then I just do something dumb cause I'm so nervous like just not answer and walk away with a red face. Cause I can't stand up for myself at all.. I hate how even when I'm with my friends I get anxious cause I'm the only quiet one in the group and I can only feel comfortable when I'm with like 2-3 of them, cause when we're all in a big group I feel too anxious to speak out in front of them all so I just stay silent. I also don't get paid attention to much cause I'm so quiet and boring and people will only listen to the more extroverted ones.. Then again when it's just one-on-one with me and a friend I worry about what to say and then my mind just goes blank and there ends up being loads of awkward silences or just complete silence. Phone calls for this reason are like 10x worse.

I always try to bottle it all up and act like nothing is wrong cause I simply can't open up to anyone about this not my friends or family or anyone...

*sigh* had to let this out :/

any advice or comments appreciated..

God i thought that i was the only one that feels this way. I hate going to school....i never sleep when i have to go to school. WHen i wake up in the morning i always feel tired and nervous.