School councelor?


New member
I'm wondering if I should go to my high schools counselor about my social anxiety. I'm worried about a few things though.
1) The counselor lets parents know as soon as a student goes to see them. My parents don't know about my problem since I'm not shy around them.
2) The counselor would call me out during classes to talk. so everyone would know I'm seeing the counselor (small school)
3) I'm not sure if she could even help me.
So should I go in and see her? It worries me just to think about it. I'm not sure if I should. Opinions anyone?


Well-known member
I'm wondering about this too.. but you only get like 4 free sessions at my school and thats just not enough for me to open up to someone.. >_<


New member
what kind of school makes you pay for counseling? geez. If i were you I wouldn't go to the counselor. Unless you really needed someone to talk to.