Saying Obnoxious Things


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Hey, I was just wondering if anyone on this website ocassionaly does anything similar to what I just did: said something really offensive without realizing it.

What happened was that my father had just gotten married with someone who has been living in our home for a few years. Anyways, she ended up making a slide of the wedding photos. Unfortuntly, I didn't know that she had been making this slide show for around 6 hours. What I said was that slide shows are nice, but overrated since our memories are a lot more valuable...

Needless to say, everyone was offended...

It's times like the ones I just described when I think that my chemistry teacher may have been right that I have aspergers'....


Well-known member
Yep, its happened to me before, on a number of occasions. I had no idea why I said or did those things, I just did/said them without knowing it was happening until it was over and then I realised the severity of the action. It was totally weird and embarrassing.
yeah, so I was a little tipsy the other day and my mom, brother, friend, and I were in the pool. My mom is bald due to chemo therapy and she was joking about it. We were talking about how much easier it must be in the shower not having long, wet hair to deal with. And I said, "Yeah, it would be so much easier. If I didn't think I would look so horrible I swear I would shave my head." Totally not thinking about how that would make my mom feel, implying that bald looks "horrible". Ugh, one of those times where you literally realize how bad something sounds the SECOND it comes out of your mouth.
But you're right, though. Visual reference to experiences are nice, but it are the memories that matter for the most part.

I did worse though. There was this time in highschool where we went to a field trip to Euro Disney. From Holland that's like a days trip to, and back. I looked forward to the bus ride, just riding with my friends. Awesome.

But you know, a 3 day long trip, you'll need to sleep too. But seeing as they were all guys, the last thing you want to happen is them catching you asleep. Dangerous situation. x3 So we agreed not to sleep for the entire 3 day trip. The ride there was awesome. Euro Disney itself wasn't as fun for me (with social phobia, fear of height and all). But needles to say, on the ride home we were EXHAUSTED.

I remember a guy talking to me, it was one of my class mates. Good guy. Then he suddenly told me one of his uncles had A.I.D.S. out of the blue. And for some reason I just started laughing like crazy. I don't know why.. I didn't think it was fun at all, but I couldn't stop laughing. I felt like such a complete butthole.

He was a good sport about it because we were all messed up from the lack of sleep, but it was still very embarrassing.


I realize I say obnoxious judgmental things in a snobby tone everyday around my family or on internet forums. I can't seem to stop, but afterward I always feel guilty. I think I do this to make myself feel better or it is a bad attempt to make myself appear normal, intelligent and interesting.


I have a tendency to say inappropriate things too.
Maybe it comes with the territory or something? I think that for me, it's because I rarely think before talking, and end up just blurting some word vomit. Maybe it's because there is some pressure in saing something, anything, that I've had to get used to since childhood (since saying nothing makes everyone thinks you're too shy, not normal etc).

Asperger people don't understand why it is that they have offended someone, right?

And I also tend to laugh hysterically to horrible things. My sisters do too (and they don't have SA). It's awful, but what can you do? When I hear or see something horrible I start feel shaky and that leads to laughter. It could lead to tears, but that comes after the laugh. Thankfully I haven't insulted anyone with this yet.. (things like this are difficult to explain to those who haven't experienced it).


Well-known member
hey i do house removals furniture and stuff , this old table i picked up was fit for the rubbish tip and i said so :) the bloke said hey my grandfather made that , i said like thats something to brag about :confused: his whole family was there it went all silent :rolleyes:.... lol we all do it dont worry about it :D


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My father had organized a bowls tournament and arranged for the results to be announced on a radio sports show. He made me phone the radio station to give them the results. He wanted me to record the announcement and I didn't want to have to listen to the entire show, waiting for the bit I had to tape, so when I was on the line I asked the woman(who I thought was a receptionist at the front desk of the station) if she could tell me exactly what time the results would be read out "because it's such a pain to listen to the whole show". Later I found out it was her sports show. She apparently was a well known sports personality and she was the presenter and producer of the show.