Saying goodbye to family

Do you have trouble saying goodbye to people at family gatherings? I mean after being with them for a few hours, then having to shake hands, or kiss them on the cheek, and having to smile out of nowhere, makes me feel like a creep, like it's not natural to do those things without a certain level of interesting conversation or laughter. And I always say the same things in what sounds like the same tone of voice; "great seeing you" "alright, bye". I just feel so boring by comparison of everyone else in the room. Saying hi or listening to the conversations isn't as bad IMO. It just feels awkward saying bye.

Anyone feel the same?


Well-known member
i always feel awkward leaving family gatherings..or any gatherings, walking around saying good-bye..i dread it! I feel like, all of a sudden, i'm like the centre of attention, walking around..announcing my 'good-bye'..makes me feel like a dork. Wish i could figure out a way to sneak out quietly, without it appearing to be rude :wink:


Active member
Day_Tripper said:
Anyone else?
Oh god I feel the same effing way! I hate greeting family, and saying goodbye. Hell, I hate saying greeting and saying goodbye to anyone. I just feel awkward and..weird. So I understand what you're talking about.


Well-known member
Yes yes yes!!!!!

Actually I have been worrying about my dad's 60th birthday coming up. Not sure what he is doing, but I'm worried he will have a big party with lots of friends and rellies and one of the things I'm dreading is actually leaving the party! I mean the party itself will be bad enough, but usually I just don't talk to anyone and hide away somewhere, but leaving will be hard too.

As maggie said, it's the drawing of attention to yourself that's the horrible bit, especially when you've been quiet all night and nobody even knows you're there! And also I like to just say 'bye' and leave quickly, but then usually someone will say something like 'going already?' as I'm leaving and I'll either say 'yeah, see ya' and keep going (and feel like I've been rude) or I'll stay and try to find a way to exit gracefully (and usually failing).

Why are silly little things like these such a big deal to us???? Argh!


Well-known member
i do feel confused how and when to say goodbye. even if the conversation is enjoyable.



Well-known member
ive been avoiding family gatherings for years now. but i totally know what you mean. its like when you leave you HAVE to make a big announment that your leaving and tell everyone how much fun you had and crap like that.
i dont like hugging my family or giving them stupid kisses. its weird and annoying. but if you dont do it then it feels wrong, and mean, and rude.
but ya, saying a simple "goode-bye" isnt really that simple, lol