Sacred Waters


New member
Hello brothers and sisters

I have a story to share, in the spirit of healing.

I am like you, I sweat a lot... and know what... extraordinary circumstances means extraordinary possibilities. We have magical water powers and we are being suppressed by our own perceptions of the dominant society and we've convinced ourselves we are diseased. There are many reasons we are blessed. The intention of this story is to put the light of sacred understanding onto a specific condition we share. This version of the story consists of little glimpses at significant events of spiritual evolution in my life story and how sacred understanding brought me to a place of fulfilling soul work. This is a true story and I am going to post only a 'chapter' or two at a time spaced out as I write it until the story is told and then I can open up to further working with all you beautiful water people. I will respond to any questions that arise or give clarity to anything that may not be clear, just ask! Blessed be.


Awakening to Consciousness – First Memory

Here I am, little boy about 3 years of age... and what a fantastic body! So healthy and loved and blessed. I love to run, and there I go... off bounding through the forest with a big smile on my face. Along my side dashing under, over, and side to side is my guardian. He shines like a brilliant sun. His name is Red and he walked close to the earth in his animal ways and he moved from his heart. To be clear, Red is in a dog body and was illumined with a golden red hue.

Next memories are of coming to the blue house where my family lived. Pretty typical home lifestyle for the area. Mama working a humble job at the grocery store, papa in and out to sea a lot working on submarines. Go to catholic church on sundays. Catholic church day care or my grandparents house while my mama is working. I was out in the woods with Red every opportunity I could get. Just me and him, sometimes my older brother but he was more into catching snakes and playing with his bigger friends and stuff.

This goes on... Red by far is my best friend. And through being with him I absorbed the most foundational skills of companionship and relationship in the sacred wild (so blessed to have this available). As my protector Red kept me physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe. Some examples... physically, he would keep the coyotes and other dogs at safe distance so I could get home, and we did run into many of coyotes and dogs... emotionally, he was there to hug and love on at any moment, and he loved it... and spiritually, if I ever felt lost, he would interpret and guide me back on track in a way that made sense to me.

I knew where my 'home' was. A bunch of sticks leaning against a fallen tree with a nice bed of fluff inside.

Severance – Opening of the sacred wound

Here I am, little boy about 5 years of age... my parents divorce and I was displaced with my mom and the most recent addition, my little brother, to live in low-income apartments surrounded by very sick people... Sadly, Red did not come with me, but I still got to go see Red and my dad. Confusing times for me as a 5 year old... So much rubbish and sick people all around me... addiction, self-destruction, pornography, violence... And the only forest around me on one side of the complex was being clear-cut for a car dealership parking lot.

I started school at the same time. I went up to about 2nd grade before the first time I became conscious of my excessive water condition. Some classmate touched my hand which was oddly dripping wet with sweat and he exploded with excitement. Exclaiming, “Gross! Your hands are so slimy! You are like a snake!” He preceded to go around to everyone else around us to try and get them to check out my hands and to touch them like he did. Part of my soul shut down at that moment. Other kids agreed that it was gross. I felt so embarrassed to be gross. I started sweating more too because I kept thinking about it. So little did I know how pure I actually was. Pan-cultural throughout indigenous peoples, sweating is sacred and purifying act.

My understanding of my excessive water condition beginning around these significant events signifies to me that my emotional body and nervous system were shocked way out of balance by the drastic severance from what it was that was nourishing me. I've since come to accept that it is my karma to face these emotional and nervous challenges.


New member
Festering – Running a Downward Spiral

The wound remained open and festering for years... all through school... a type of suffering I am sure you all know all too well.

The part of my soul that I consider my “loyal soldier” was on edge to protect me from any further soul damage. Mostly the technique for me that was most successful at not being shut down spiritually, is to not be noticed. The skills of invisibility came naturally and easy to me. Blending into the environment is something I used to practice a lot as a forest child. My unconscious loyal soldier was running my life so that the main unconscious motive I held was to not be noticed. However, I still was noticed sometimes and called out for being sweaty by kids who just don't understand empathy and I would shut down spiritually as I was made a public spectacle, or more what felt like a freak.

My unconscious behaviors were making me secretive. I isolated myself. I started abusing computers and computer games as a means of escape and not being social/interactive by the time I was about 12. I also found a part of myself at a very important time when I was about 12. I rediscovered how to run and how much I love running. At least I could find a physical balance of staying active to keep my sedentary hiding out from getting too out of hand and developing more complicated health issues. At 12 ****rty also hit and I literally stretched a good 6 inches or more. I was 6 ft tall at 12 years of age, and am still that same height, but have filled out elsewhere thankfully.

I kept running for years, physically it actually helped me tremendously feel better. I felt strong from my core. I would sweat a lot while running, but that was 'normal'. I could be sweaty around all the athletes and sweaty high fives while at practice are acceptable. Emotionally I was having a harder time as a post ****rty teen however. I had a whole complex about not being able to find a mate and getting down on myself for being sweaty and thinking of my self as not acceptable. Running away and suicide were not uncommon thoughts. My family didn't seem to notice, and I didn't ask for help. I only knew how to be invisible in the shadows. My older brother would make fun of me and would not ever want to touch me when I was sweaty. My little brother learned from my older brother. I felt isolated by my brothers. My Dad and Mom both said they were somewhat sweaty when they were teens but it just went away. Mmmhmmm... I could tell they had no idea what I was going through with severe excessive sweat dripping off me uncontrollably at any given moment (and especially when I didn't want it to happen.) SOOO much energy was consumed and converted into sweat and nervous heat. I could eat twice as much as most people and stay lean.

The downward spiral was so exhausting. I'd say there were many points when I had lost the will to live. There were certain moments of light and understanding that thankfully blessed me enough to keep me moving through the process. Running was definitely the big one of my early adolescence. The healing that came through it was that on the physical level, I felt physically much better and I was using my body (which I was ashamed of because I though it was gross) to accomplish tasks that had me feeling good. I was taking self-initiation to my own healing and restoring of balance. Each time I spoke with the doctor hoping for physical healing he would prescribe some toxin that hurt my body. I learned to dislike my doctor. He would tell me I am the sweatiest person he has ever met... each time... and that didn't help me feel better at all either... I gave up on the doctors by the time I was 16, which lead me to the next major chapter of my spiritual evolution. Self-healing.


Well-known member
Sounds like a familiar sweaty story. Thanks for sharing. I discovered the power of sweat at age 6, the start of first grade. I remember being humiliated by a teacher when I left my sweaty palm print on the chalk board. Sweaty hands and body definitely comes with its challenges. I've come to see that anything that's out of the ordinary can be challenging. Most people come with challenges.

I hope you have come to find love in the world and have put your spirituality to good use.


New member
Please do continue. I find myself in a very similar path and I would like to know how you came to the understanding that you have now.