SA versus Avoidant personality disorders


Well-known member
Hello, everyone.

Recently I´m been diagnosed Avoidant personality disorder, appart from perfectionic.
I was following a progressive exposure therapy. I´m still on the first step.
Would you mind explaining what are (if there are) any differences between Social Anxiety and Avoidant personaliy disorder?
I think the differences are a question of time but I think you could help me .

Thank you in advance. Strenght and honor for everyone who is suffereing!( like a rock music group usually say in their concerts)
Greetings from Spain.


Well-known member
I, personally, have no idea what the difference is, though the thing about time does make a lot of sense. I was never diagnosed with avoidant personality, but it does fit. I've been this way my whole life. A lot of people with SA can lead pretty normal lives, whereas I've never been able to. I think I may have AP, instead. It just fits more. It's just much more severe with me than it is with nearly all who have SAD.


Well-known member
How on earth did you even get around to telling your counselor about your problems? ... without trying to .. avoid .. him / her ?


Well-known member
I have read the main difference is that the avoidant then to analyse the behaviour of the others and the SA individual rely much more on their own behaviour

if i ever find that link again i'll post.

although i believe that i myth is that AvPD is just a stronger version of SA.

NormanBates said:
How on earth did you even get around to telling your counselor about your problems? ... without trying to .. avoid .. him / her ?

god knows how hard it is! i did it yesterday! i think you need to take all your power of will, and avoid thinking about it, just do it!

my desire of getting better is what made me call the doctor and make a appointment, i almost ran away, i believe avoiding the excuses to go away was very important


Well-known member
Though I don't know if it's possible, according to that website, I have both SAD & AVpD. Though I have about 75% in common with AVpD & 25% with SAD.

I don't think I'm unworthy or unlikeable-- I think people could like me, if they knew me. Those are some of the characteristics of AVpD I don't have.

SAD says that it starts between the ages of 11-17 (I think) for most people, & I've had this my entire life... since at least three. Hmmmm.... I guess I'll never really know.


Active member
It's possible.
One diagnosis is from a different theory in psychiatry than the other.
Personality disorders are diagnosed by behaviors.
The behaviors by themselves can be normal- it's when they interfere with "normal function" they become a problem.
Every one has dozens of them, and they are usually "self protection" behaviors.

Example (avoidance associated with avoidance personality disorder):
  • A salesman comes to your front door, and you pretend to be away. OK
  • You don't pay your bills, but it's because you don't want to deal with people, not because you don't have money. NOT OK

Example (splitting associated with borderline personality disorder):
  • You drink, smoke, and cuss up a storm, but are an entirely different person in church. OK
  • You love your spouse very much when nearby, but either hate or are indifferent to them when around others. NOT OK

So how is SP and AvPD not the same disorder?
That's just not known yet, but there's evidence for both arguments.
Personally, I think they are similar, but different.
One is what we feel, the other is what we do, and there's nothing that forces those to "match".

This is where the confusion comes in, and it's mainly from "social situations" and "interpersonal relationships" being included in the DSM-iv criteria for diagnosis for AvPD.
However, anything can cause avoidant behavior- spiders, heights, driving, etc...
Most phobics avoid those situations.
I don't think someone scared of spiders will have problems paying their bills (especially the bug man), so there's little dysfunction.
This isn't the case with a social phobia- almost everything we do requires some human contact.
Bills don't get paid on time, jobs are lost, and so on.
That's a serious problem, and meets the "stress and impairment" requirements of a personality disorder.
If society required contact with spiders, then you would see AvPD "attached" to arachnophobia.

There are other anxiety disorders that are "people based"-like agoraphobia and performance anxiety.
AvPD is often found in those persons, as well.
Conversely, social phobia can ignite other personality disorders besides AvPD.

Finally, there's still the "tortoise and squirrel" effect.
Social phobia and AvPD come from different theories, and are classified as such (axis I vs. axis II).
A squirrel (axis I) is going to have a different view of a tree than a turtle (axis II).
That makes things confusing, even before other trees are added to the forest.
Sometimes the squirrel will have a better view, sometimes the turtle will.
You have to go by what they both tell you, instead of one or the other.


Well-known member
lyricalliaisons said:
Though I don't know if it's possible, according to that website, I have both SAD & AVpD. Though I have about 75% in common with AVpD & 25% with SAD.

I don't think I'm unworthy or unlikeable-- I think people could like me, if they knew me. Those are some of the characteristics of AVpD I don't have.

SAD says that it starts between the ages of 11-17 (I think) for most people, & I've had this my entire life... since at least three. Hmmmm.... I guess I'll never really know.

it hard to say because they are closelly related, i think that with me for example, SA is a effect of AVpD. in the end it's just a naming system for a diferent range of the same condition, the important overcoming it ;)

a common misunderstanding is that Social Anxiety and Social Anxiety Disorder are diferent things.

a fair example happened to me right now, i'm avoiding to give my opinion because i don't want to begin a argument with somebody that thinks avoidance is a trace of SAD too.

i'm not doing something because of the possible reaction of others. althought i'm not anxious right now! ;)