SA = OK ?


Well-known member
Hi, just a thought I had here..
Obviously if you put somebody with SA into a room of "normal" people, they wouldn't be comfortable...
if you put a group of people with SA together, what do you reckon would happen?
would those people find it easier to talk to each other because they all understand each other, or would they just see the other people as people, and be afraid of them too?
any comments, thoughts and the like appreaciated :wink: :)


Well-known member
Well, interesting question... I also have thought about such a situation. ;)
It would be certainly nicer than some normal meeting, I think. But it is rather not very possible, to make such a number o SPh-people meet together...


Well-known member
Personally, I think I'd still find it just as difficult... People are still people regardless of whether they have SA/SP lol.

I'm sure there would be some that would get on better and some that would feel exactly the same. It comes down to the individual really...


Well-known member
Starry said:
Personally, I think I'd still find it just as difficult... People are still people regardless of whether they have SA/SP lol.

I'm sure there would be some that would get on better and some that would feel exactly the same. It comes down to the individual really...

yeah, i suppose it would depend on the person.
like Marvolo said, it would be rather hard to get alot of SA sufferers to turn up ! :lol:


Well-known member
Shy people meeting in a group

Unfortunately it probaly would not work.

Just try to contack most of the many users on this site and you'll notice that most never reply.

Another example is the chat room on this site. Its always empty even tho all of us here have simeler problems.


Well-known member
I think that it might seem a little awkward, as they (or we) would have trouble making conversation, etc. But, I think in a way that it would be comforting because we understand the situation and may be more patient towards each other.