SA destroyed my life.


Well-known member
I do believe that upbringing has alot to do with SA. Looking back now, my Mom had SA and depression. I'm 38, had SA for most of my life. I guess it came out when I was 12/13. Depressed and think about suicide at times. Only had 1 friend. Never had a GF, a date or sex. NEVER! My childhood was not happy. Lots of teasing and bullying at school, and my Mom was terminally ill.

And school was hard as it was. I was afraid of being called on. Could barely talk in class, and Public speaking class was a nightmare. During one speech the class was laughing at me, I couldn't get a word out. Imagine Ralph Kramdon....hamanannana. I would run to the bathroom and cry sometimes. I had to lift weights to get the bullies off my back. That's the only positive.

I went to college, I figured I could start over. Noone knew my past. A fresh start. My Mom passed away, that messed me up bad. Couldn't make friends, asked at least 10 girls out..nothing. The few girls who talked to me used me for my notes. I got depressed and my grades suffered. I lost the will to live and dropped out.

My Dad got me a job at his place. I learned something new then. I couldn't handle an ounce of stress. Between the SA and stress, I almost flipped out and quit after 10 months. After a failed attempt to go back to college (due to SA, got accepted but was to afraid to go back), I went back to work there part-time for 10 yrs. I saved some money because I barely went out, had no GF or friends, so where could I go. Going to the movies alone got depressing, seeing couples and friends enjoying themselves was painful.

Sometimes they would make me answer phones when they went to lunch. I have a fear of the phone. I only make a few calls a year, and can't answer a call. So this scared me. I couldn't even sit at the desk, I would pace the office. I would turn the answering machine on and take the messages that way. It's like I can barely speak, like I cant breath. Chest pains, weakness, cold sweats.

A few years ago I went out on several job interviews. My fear was overwhelming and I messed up all of them. I got panic attacks, I would get cramps and diarheaa. I would pace back and forth for hours and couldn't sleep the day before. After one interview, I ate a whole chocolate cake. I gave that up.

Got laid off 2 yrs ago and haven't worked since. I tried to go to interviews or open houses. But I would just walk by, never having the courage to go in. Even if the interviewer called back, I'd be afraid to answer the phone or not return the message.

The world passed me by. I see my neighbors growing up, making lives for themselves. And it makes me mad. I wish I was normal. I exchange a physical illness for SA in a second. It's like I always hated being around people. I have certain places I go, but an afraid to go somewhere new. It's like I'm in an imaginery prison.

I have given up on friends or having a girlfirend. Who would want an unemployed 38 yr old virgin still living at home anyway. My Dad been very good about it.

Everyone I do is geared to isolate myself further. The less social interaction the better. If I have to make a phone call, I'll script it out days in advance. My Grandma is ill, and I'm worrying about the funeral, who I may have to talk to there, and how I can get out of the dinner. I'm ashamed of myself. I get sick of lying to people about myself.

I'm at the point now, I think I'll be homeless before finding work. The fear is that bad. Plus having no health insuracne is another fear in back of my mind.



Well-known member
Wow, I feel for you, man. I have inhibitions and self-consciousness but nothing near the scale you're describing. When you write this, doesn't it make you want to do everything differently? Doesn't it make you want to say: "I'll be who I am and comfortable and confident in my choices and actions"? I know that when I read your story I say to myself: "Fuck everything, I will CHOOSE to never second guess what I say and do and I will live a dangerous and risky life.

Nobody is keeping us down but ourselves, and all of life is an experiment, whether you appreciate this fact or not -- so start experimenting, living, and learning.


Well-known member
dont stress we are all in the same boat

Hi Just a note to say to everyone out there that there is HOPE!!!

I have been suffering with social phobia for over 10 years since i was 13. I have managed to go to uni and make some sort of a life for myself but when it comes to work i seem to flip out and cant hold a job down. I am determined to make it my life's mission to publicise this illness and make sure that treatment for it becomes widespread.

anyone out there wanting to help / share ideas?

contact me at [email protected]


Well-known member
Your life hasn't been ruined by SP, you haven't lived it fully yet. Nows the time to start getting the help you need. We can suggest a million things here, its just a case of trial and error I think. Therpay, meds, self help...ect. What have you tried so far?


Well-known member
I haven't gotten any help. I've tried facing the fear. And it hasn't worked. In my teens, I don't think anyone knew what SA was. I only heard of SA a few years ago myself. I thought I was just crazy. At first I thought it would go away on its own, I would wake up one day and be cured, but instead it's like a snowball rolling down the mountain getting bigger.

But I think there's more to my problem than SA. By reading the posts, it seems most of you live productive lives, and you just have a hard time making friends/relationships. I was content making little money, being a bum with no friends.

I cant handle any stress. Very low self esteem, bouts with depression. One week I'll go out everyday, than the next week I never leave the house. Bad weather gets me depressed, sometimes I can't sleep. One day I feel good, the next day I feel lousy.

I was smart and never lived to my potential. It's like I had no drive or will to live. I just don't care. I can't cope with life, and feel helpless. I worry about the future all the time, where will I end up? Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night panicked about it.

Can't talk to or make eye contct with women. That's the biggest fear I think. I'm 38 on the outside, only 16 on the inside. I've have nothing in common with people my age due to lack of life experience. When I do get into conversations, I can only discuss current events.

Even when as a child I was always quiet and withdrawn, and the teasing and bullying made it worse.

I get panic attacks at the dentist, keep real short hair (almost bald) to avoid the barber as I'm horrible at small talk. Haven't been to a real restaurant in 15 yrs, afraid of the waiter/waitress. If I were to order food all attention at the table would be on me. I remember once my aunt invited the family out to dinner, I got a panic attack along with tremors, my voice was shaky like I was about to lose it.
If I see someone I know in the supermarket, I either leave the store or keep a watch on what aisle they are in and avoid it.

It's got to be more than just SA, my anxiety is crippling.


Well-known member
Whoops hit submit too soon.

I need to see a psychiatrist and maybe meds. But have no med insurance, but I can afford it for a while. Too many irrational/insane thoughts, I doubt CBT will help me. I lived my whole life this way. But going for help is real hard.

My Dad just thinks a job would cure me. Well it didn't help me before. Never could cope with a FT job. When I was down I had extra money to keep myself occupied (buy things to mask my misery).

Thanks for listening.


Well-known member
Maybe you have depression as well. I think talking to an expert about it would be worthwhile. But if you can’t afford that, I think the jist of CBT and therapy is in understanding and there’s a lot of literature out there now surrounding the subject. I’ve been collecting up websites concerning SAD in my favourites….I’ll list them here…hopefully they might help.

+ other forums

Sifting through the Internet for answers is a lot more work than going to a psychologist, but I think answers are still out there. Especially in forums like these. There’s a lot of opinions flying about….some are way off the mark, but some are bang on.

Other than that, I dunno…are you creative at all? focusing all my pain and frustration into my music and art works for me!


Well-known member
Yeh it is more than SA, you suffering from depression too. Seems to go hand in hand with SA. Everyone here will have a familiarity with your story. I know I do. From not being able to eat out to going into hermit mode. I was told by a therapist once that no matter how much I age, In my head I will always be a teenager. I dont have any social skills, when i do try i just come across as a nutter cause i either talk to fast and laugh lots or am totally silent. I've only just figured the art of small talk after 18 years of SP. I can go to the shops and stuff too. Small talk is easy...its just carrying on ther conversation which is the hard part (thats when i go into silent or blabber mouth mode and people lose interest)...give me another 18 years i might figure I dont think I suffer SP as bad as some of the people here now, thankfully. My Teens was the worst but I suppose it helps being in a loving relationship, my partner understands me and my problems.
I really hope you figure a way forward...I dont have much advice i'm afraid. As a said before, its all a case of trial and error, working out what works for you and how you can take that first step.


Well-known member
Your country's health system seems to be failing you. I can't believe all the problems that Americans seem to have with the cost of healthcare and medication.

Thank god I don't live in the US.


Well-known member
I know getting a job would help with my self confidence. But getting thru the interview process is just not possible right now for me. I've failed big time, years back when I really tried. Maybe I should have had a few drinks beforehand.

Haven't worked for 2 yrs, that's looked upon negatively by prospective employers. Too big of a time gap. Plus I'm basically unskilled, Walmart or McDonalds bound. But on the job interviews I had, they implied that I maybe overqualified.

There's too much pressure form society to succeed. It's all over, from TV to whereever. A man is judged by his accomplishments. You have to have a great career (which thats how most people define their identity). Most love to brag how hard they work.. Lots of money, house, wife, SUV and 3 kids. You must be doing certain things, depending on your age. And I failed. It hurts to see people I know succeed and move on with their lives. And mine has been basically stagnant for 17 yrs.

And the health insurance thing does have me worried. One major illness with a hospital stay will wipe out alot of my savings. Haven't been to a doctor for 20 yrs.

My family used to have their taxes done by an insurance agent. He would look at my return and shake his head. He asked me if I had a problem. I just sat there speechless.

I would try SA for any physical illness. Mental illness is so misunderstood.
I know how you feel Guest and i can relate with alot of what your saying. I just hope that you do something about it so you can sort yourself out and maybe have some sort of contentment in life. I truly hope you start feeling better soon and start conquering your anxiety. Remember that if your ever feeling down and your anxiety is getting to you then you can always talk to people here, we know how it feels and maybe it will make you feel better knowing that there are people out there who do know what its like to have SP, and everything that comes with it. Good Luck :)


Well-known member
One thing that may help is to evaluate what you are interested in. If you like animals try to get a job working with them. If you're into bicycles try a bike shop. I think you'll find that by working in a field you're truly interested in you will ultimately gain confidence and get a control on your anxiety.

Don't rule out starting your own business either. It will force you to work with people but if you're in a field you truly love the confidence should come naturally.

I can definitely vouch for the debilating effects of SA. I've been working in a furniture factory for 15+ years and hated every day of it. I'm hoping to start my own home based business doing what I'm interested in. This will prove me right or wrong about my own advice. :lol:


Have you tried buddhism? Having faith in something helps a lot, and buddhism, as a philosophy, seems to make life easier by shifting the attention away from yourself, to others. When you focus on helping others, your own problems become less. Thats the idea, I wouldnt call myself a buddhist, but my mother is really into it, she had a nervous breakdown about 15 years ago, and buddhism has completely changed her life. She is a fantastic person, great to be around, and totally relaxed. She does get stressed out, but being able to deal with it must be great


Active member
I'm not really sure what to say to help you, but maybe have you could buy self help books or something? I think i saw one website that had videos you could get, although I'm not sure if they would work. But they're the least scary option and trying something is better than nothing. Also you could try and find something that interests you. Like music, art, science... At least you can make yourself happy when you're at home then. Like even if your life is crap you can listen to music and relate to it, and be happy while you listen to it.
I can relate to pretty much everything you've said and I know how much it sucks :( I'm 16 and kinda scared that I'm going to waste all my oppurtiunities. Like I do quite well at school but how is that going to help if I'm too scared to get a job? But theres still time. And you can always find some things that make you happy. And you can come onto forums like these and talk to people about it, and that makes it feel a lot better!
Good luck :)