SA awareness


Well-known member
It is because that people with SA are not likely to reveal their disorder to society. That would provoke the fear, would it not? If no one is claiming to have the disorder, then obviously it musn't be a huge problem? No it is a problem that is greatly understated, but only because the illness prevents the expression and therefore the diagnosis. I wrote a blog entry about this a while back, when it crossed my mind one time. Would better explain it than how I am now, Im a wee bit tired |</


Well-known member
A lot of "normal" people don't consider mental disorders to be proper disablities...they don't think of them as being as bad as physical ones, when in reality they can be equally as bad and if not worse for the sufferer.

Due to the nature of SA, as Zarrix pointed out, it's not likely that sufferers would be willing to be open about their condition anyway.