SA and the endless postponing issue...


Hai all,

I was wondering if any of you have been stricken by that terrible procrastination disease... It feels like i've been postponing some stuff for years, even though my head is full of projects and ideas, i just can't seem to be able to give them any shape.

How would you explain that it's related to SA? I'm not so sure about the hypothesis i've came up with : the fear to confront the world and to possibly encounter some rejection might be leading my thoughts pattern, impeding my actions. How do you fight procrastination ?

Discuss :D


Well-known member
Yep, I feel somewhat identified, but don't think it's 100% tied to SA; depending on what it is it can be simply laziness, but if it involves some kind of social contact it can be related to SA. Or both things. Or even maybe having prior bad experiences (i.e. not being well received due to few contacts and/or social skills as a possible explanation) when starting projects may lead to a disenchantment and an increase in SA, and that's possibly when procrastination may appear or intensify as a defensive gesture.

But yeah, long life to us procrastinators! :p


Well-known member
procrastination is one of my worst problems

one of these days I'm going to do something about it

I'm kind of busy today, though

maybe tomorrow
Hai all,

I was wondering if any of you have been stricken by that terrible procrastination disease... It feels like i've been postponing some stuff for years, even though my head is full of projects and ideas, i just can't seem to be able to give them any shape.

How would you explain that it's related to SA? I'm not so sure about the hypothesis i've came up with : the fear to confront the world and to possibly encounter some rejection might be leading my thoughts pattern, impeding my actions. How do you fight procrastination ?

Discuss :D

I've a little "objectives journal" or "to-do book" or whatever you call it. So everyday, I write the date down and list down things I want to do that day.. or sometimes I write it the night before.

At first, it didn't help, because I write too much and too vague. But I then make it into small concrete objectives that can be achieved... Basically, break down difficult tasks. I also use something I heard called "work five minutes rule". This means you just tell yourself you'll work for five minutes whenever you find yourself procrastinating. This doesn't seem like a lot.. but chances are, if your tasks are something you really want completed, by working five minutes... the brain will want to continue once it gets past the initial inertia...


I call It tomorrow syndrome.I use to do it all the time and still do a little. It's so easy to just think oh I will just put it off till tomorrow. Or I say I will do it when I'm feeling better, when I have more motivation ect

Hard habit for me to break and I'm still working On it, but keeping an activity schedule and lists have helped me a little bit. But also if something needs doing I try and just do it now and don't give myself time to dwell on it.

But +1 to What Dronee said. Wise words. For me personally getting started is the hardest thing. I find once I get started my motivation kicks In and I don't wan't to stop. The 5 minute rule sounds like a great idea.


Well-known member
I've been procrastinating for most of my life, ever since 3rd grade or so. I've never had much trouble with schoolwork, so that probably contributed to it. It's like a game or something that I can't stop playing, no matter how much I want to.

Right now, I'm in college. This semester is coming to a close in about two weeks, and I'm 30 assignments behind. When will I learn. . .


Well-known member
I'm a bad procrastinator.. what usually gets me to do something is I'm either a)running out of time, or b)the anxiety of not having something done is worse than actually doing it.
Dronee mentioned to-do lists, those have been really helpful to me. Strangely enough, just checking off that I've completed a goal is a rewarding.


Well-known member
I hear you, I'm always procrastinating because I'm always worried about making the right choice.