robinul and binge drinking


Well-known member
Is it safe to take alcohol and binge drink at the same time. I know that binge drinking is never safe, but are there any extra side effects/precautions to taking alcohol with it?


Active member
Nah. Not at all. I drink and take glyco all the time. Only problem is you become dehydrated. So your hangover can be killer the next day. But if you try hard to drink some water during your boozing and then a pint before bed you'll be fine. But no, paranoid Betty in the post above is being a bit over dramatic. ;)


Active member
I drink while on glyco and it has never been a problem. Only issue is the alcohol makes my mouth even more dry and it can get uncomfortable. I'd suggest keeping a glass of water nearby.


Well-known member
Meds and alcohol are never advised. Worst scenario is you wake up dead. Then you'll no longer need to worry about sweating.


Active member
while we are at it, lets throw another substance. what about in combination with some of dat mary jane?

Mary j is also ok. I doubt you'll die from taking 2mg of glyco and some alcohol or a bit weed. Be cautious as with anything. As advised before, it does dry you out and also makes you a bit drowsy so just don't over do it. It's very unlikely you'll cause any damage. For instance, paracetamol and alcohol are very dangerous when consumed together and most patient leaflets state DO NOT mix. Whereas glyco you are advised not to drink, but only because you can become more drowsy any the manufacturers are being safe.