Revealing where I've been.

I do not want to criticize what this site offers sufferers of social anxiety, that is something I must first mention. But I do dislike one particular thing about this site - people seeing that I have visited their profile. I have limited the amount of profiles I have looked at, because I don't feel uncomfortable with those people knowing I visited their profile. Why do these people need to know? I thought this would something that is not added because we have social anxiety.

I do like the idea of knowing the number of people that have visited.


Well-known member
I have to agree , i usually don't view profiles more than once so they don't think i'm stalking them .


Folly TB

I didn't even know til right now you could even see who viewed your profile lol. I think you shouldn't think to much on it most people probably don't even realize it's there, care, or bother to look at it. You're just trying to learn something more about people on the forum, no ones gonna think it's weird that you looked at it, that's what it's there for.

I can understand why it would make you feel uncomfortable though, but don't be worried that anyone will think anything of it if you visit their profile. They won't.


Well-known member
Lol you make a good point that this being a social phobia forum, a feature like showing visitors can add some added anxiety. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, hell I didn't even know that feature existed until now! I would never judge someone based on the fact that they look(ed) at my profile, but that's just me. It's just an indicator that someone at some point was curious, no worse then saying "Hello!" or expressing interest. That and some people may be too shy to initiate conversation and the visitor feature can help with this. Though the option to disable this feature couldn't hurt so maybe you should bring it up in support or PM a mod? From experience with other sites if you disable views, you usually also give up the right to see who has viewed your profile in combination with not appearing on others views yourself.

Folly TB

I'm a profile wanderer, you will all see me in your profiles, just watch!

Tino I was saddned for a second that you hadn't viewed my profile. I felt left out, but then I looked and you were my last visitor. lol You are very true to your word! =P


Well-known member
Well, I believe this Web site was created to help people who have SA and not to encourage SA behaviors. I understand how you feel, but removing it would only encourage your SA. It would be like enabling you to not face your fear.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
But I do dislike one particular thing about this site - people seeing that I have visited their profile. I have limited the amount of profiles I have looked at, because I don't feel uncomfortable with those people knowing I visited their profile.

Why are you uncomfortable with them knowing you've visited their profile? Unless you have some ulterior motive for visiting, why would it be a problem?

If it really bothers you that much, I believe you can set your status so that people can't see that you're logged in to SPW, and I think that any profiles you visit while in this mode won't show your name in their list, but I honestly don't think it's necessary.


Well-known member
You can open a new window with another web browser, or open an incognito-mode window.

PS: I visited the profile of every single poster on this thread mwahahaha
hey, and I don't think it makes me a stalker.... or maybe yes :rolleyes:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
You can open a new window with another web browser, or open an incognito-mode window.

PS: I visited the profile of every single poster on this thread mwahahaha
hey, and I don't think it makes me a stalker.... or maybe yes :rolleyes:

Didn't you read Twiggle's post? We're now officially engaged.

Don't worry - I'm not too fussy about the venue. Any medium sized cathedral will be fine. I've already got my eye on a stunning dress.... ;)


Well-known member
Didn't you read Twiggle's post? We're now officially engaged.

Don't worry - I'm not too fussy about the venue. Any medium sized cathedral will be fine. I've already got my eye on a stunning dress.... ;)
I will be like this man :D

The world's biggest family: Ziona Chan has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren | Mail Online


Well-known member
If that guy can get so many wives, I wonder what's special about him. Think about it, he must be the koolest guy ever. I wonder how much money he has.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
If that guy can get so many wives, I wonder what's special about him. Think about it, he must be the koolest guy ever. I wonder how much money he has.

He doesn't look too happy, does he?

Maybe he's worried that if they all decide to divorce him at once, his alimony and child support payments would make the US national debt look like small change. :)
I was also paranoid on Facebook, until I got fed up with people using the "these people have visited your profile" apps - the apps would constantly post statuses on my news feed. I told everyone I had visited their profile numerous times. I suppose it would be helpful to NOT do things I have done in the past. You have all made good points...especially the ones about the bloke with many wives. :p
Oh, and I will be checking out your profiles. It does indeed mean I want to marry you all. But I'm not paying for the weddings, or the single mass wedding. Whichever one we decide to go with. ;-)