Revealing SP to significant other


Well-known member
I was just curious to get your opinion on this. Do you think it is better to let someone know about your SP right when you begin dating them, is it better to hide it from them, or is it better to just let it come out on its own?

I always have thought it would be best to tell the person right when you started dating them. This way they know what they are getting into, and they have a right to know about it because it will effect them as well.

I dunno that's what I've always pictured myself doing when I finally have the nerve to began dating (which will probably never happen :(). I would want the person dating me, not the person they perceive me to be.

Telling them about your SP right away though might be to upfront and would scare some people away. I would probably be to emotionally fried to tell the person anyways, and would let it come out on it's own which might never happen.

Dunno why...been thinking about this a lot lately, guess I've been feeling birthday is comming up in a few weeks, and what am I celebrating? Another year of doing nothing with my life, being a 20 year old with nothing to show for it. I need a hug.

Anyways...what do you think is the best approach?


Well-known member
Just so you know.. It generally puts most people off I think. But the best thing to do is tell them at the beginning of your relationship. I wouldn't do it on the first date but maybe within a few weeks of getting to know them. My reasoning for this is, you don't want to date someone that won't accept you and your imperfections. Also, It will be a lot less emotional if you tell them at the beginning and they decide you aren't for them.


Well-known member
I agree with Yetisbabe or harvey.

Besides I found out when I tell someone I get the feeling they don't quite grasp or care what SA is anyway.
I often ended up being mistaken as merely 'shy' or something like that. :(
Later when they begin to figure out what it actually means to suffer from that disorder they will see it anyway ..
I felt only used because of my sa..somehow my heart certainly cracked, I don't think I would ever again.
Just my view.


Well-known member
I'm basically amazed from reading some posts here that people can have gf/bf who accept them with SAD and all, especially those who have gf/bf that are the polar opposites - outgoing people. Where do u find people like this? Basically i just think that people are quick to label, and if they see i'm quiet, just dismiss me as shy and avoid me. How a relationship can spring amidst such social behaviour totally alludes my tiny lil brain.

I would never say that i have SAD if i ever find myself (god forbid) in the dating game. I would wait it out, and if my intuition tells me the guy is accepting, then maybe one day i'll come out clean. But otherwise i'll probably pretend to be 'normal' for as long as i can fake it. I just don't see that i can connect with people on an intimate enough level to share intimate fears. :?


Well-known member
Same here.
chihiro said:
Basically i just think that people are quick to label, and if they see i'm quiet, just dismiss me as shy and avoid me.
Yea.. I kinda meant to say that too.