Research project on shyness


New member
Hi everyone,
I am hoping that you can help with a research project. I am creating a family life education program for children who are shy. If anyone would like to answer just a few questions about your experience being shy, I would appreciate it so much!

This is the questionnaire, it's only a few questions and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

If you have children who are shy, this is the questionnaire for parents. Parents of shy children

Thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it!


Well-known member
Good luck with that. I wish someone had helped me overcome my shyness as a child. Instead my 'wise' parents or teachers thought "Oh it's just a phase...he'll get over it"


Good luck with that. I wish someone had helped me overcome my shyness as a child. Instead my 'wise' parents or teachers thought "Oh it's just a phase...he'll get over it"

Yeah. "She's JUST SHY," emphasis mine :p And even now, my grandfather, in his ignorance thinks I'm just a "quiet and withdrawn" person. Nice thing to say to your granddaughter, eh? I tried to explain social phobia to him and he looked at me like I had two heads and said, "Oh, you think you have that?" in a half-interested tone.

Do I THINK? Um, I KNOW. Thanks for caring.



Active member
It sounds really great that you're doing something to help shy kids. I feel like no one ever bothered to help me, I always felt so alone and like there was something wrong with me.

I think kids need to know that there's nothing wrong with them and that it's actually very common. Also, it gets better.


Well-known member
People don't understand, they just brand us with words that make sense to them.

I tried to tell my Nan, she just said I was a "worrier, you've just got to stop worrying about things" I love her, but I won't argue. The only people who understand SA are those who have it themselves.

It's best not to tell anyone outside of here. Their small brains can't comprehend lol