Research or evidence-based therapy for OCD/anxiety


New member
If you think you have OCD or anxiety please see a therapist who uses the therapy that has been researched and proven to work, Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

A good therapist will first talk to you about your concerns, help you decide if you really have one of these problems, and then offer you the treatment that has been shown to work in the majority of research.

I am a therapist that uses these two methods so of course I am biased, but the research and my experience in helping people has shown these two methods to work very well. People who get the right treatment for OCD and work hard with their therapist can get better rather quickly and the therapy doesn't have to go on for years.

I know it is scary to first seek out a counselor, but if you have OCD or anxiety you are already scared much of your life anyway. At least do the research and seek out something that has been shown to be effective rather than trying bogus things that make you feel more hopeless.

This forum is great for support and I encourage you all to try self-help books that are based on ERP and CBT. But please don't struggle too long without at least seeing a professional that can truly help you.

A great place to do your own research is the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation at Or you can try the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH).

I help people with anxiety and OCD in Palo Alto, CA.
I hope this was helpful,