repressed emotions are a no-go


Well-known member
not sure about any of you here, but suppressed feelings have been my biggest cause of anxiety from day one. i get a general feeling of being overwhelmed when i'm in unfamiliar situations because of how uptight i already feel from never expressing emotions to begin with. well, if you're at all like me... i found something really useful to try.

suppress no more my friends - take fucking risks! i began a new job and i had a really bad time with it at first because i was holding myself up inside and bottling everything i felt. well, it felt great when i started acknowledging even the simplest emotions, like for example just the fear i felt with unfamiliarity, and that alone made a ginormous difference right off the bat.

but the greatest part of all was when i started taking risks. it took the edge off the knife when i realized i just didn't fucking care anymore about being humiliated - i just started (gasp!) speaking my mind socially with tons of people i've never even met before, and even putting myself into very vulnerable situations of potential failure. and quite honestly, even if it doesn't sound like a huge deal... i ended up realizing why i'm so shy to begin with and how exactly to quit it. the anxiety quit haunting me right there.

so hey, consider trying it. sure it took a lot of advice from people that care about me, plus a few dream interpretations for me to figure this all out, but it really works: face the fear... and let those damn emotions flow!


New member
Alright...can you clarify how you acknowledged the fear of unfamiliarity? Did you tell someone about it? Or, did you just realize you were afraid? Did you let go of shame that you were afraid and express it? What does acknowledging actually mean?

Another question, if you don't mind? Did you have irrational anxiety or was there always a reason to feel anxious. Because I am currently experiencing irrational anxiety (mostly from coming off of an unfortunate event with Zoloft), but I was interested in your take on where anxiety actually comes from. Anxiety means different intensities for different people, so I was wondering what exactly it felt like and where did it seem to come from? Thanx for the Post. It just might be helpful.