

New member
I found out not long ago a tonic you can make in order to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. I tried it out and when used every day, I would say that the effect is almost as strong as alchohol. The only difference is that it doesn't impair your senses like alchohol does. It works by repairing the adrenal glands; the glands which become depleted through constant feelings of anxiety. Therefore it can give you relief from both acute and chronic anxiety.


* 2 heaped teaspoons of chopped, powdered or shredded liquorice
* 1 large mug of water


* Place the liquorice in a metal teapot along with the water. Place on the cooker hob on high heat until it boils, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour the contents through a sieve and into a large mug/cup (to separate the liquorice bits from the tonic).

And there you have it. You can make and drink this up to three times daily (depending on how severe your symptoms are). A note of caution though: after taking liquorice for six weeks you MUST stop taking it for a couple of weeks before you resume, or there is a risk that it could damage or put unnecessary strain on your body. After a couple of weeks have past, it will be safe to take for another six weeks etc. Since this contains high levels of natural sugar DO NOT TAKE IF YOU ARE DIABETIC.

I really hope that this offers some relief to those suffering with anxiety.


Active member
latin_londoner said:
I found out not long ago a tonic you can make in order to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. I tried it out and when used every day, I would say that the effect is almost as strong as alchohol. The only difference is that it doesn't impair your senses like alchohol does. It works by repairing the adrenal glands; the glands which become depleted through constant feelings of anxiety. Therefore it can give you relief from both acute and chronic anxiety.


* 2 heaped teaspoons of chopped, powdered or shredded liquorice
* 1 large mug of water


* Place the liquorice in a metal teapot along with the water. Place on the cooker hob on high heat until it boils, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour the contents through a sieve and into a large mug/cup (to separate the liquorice bits from the tonic).

And there you have it. You can make and drink this up to three times daily (depending on how severe your symptoms are). A note of caution though: after taking liquorice for six weeks you MUST stop taking it for a couple of weeks before you resume, or there is a risk that it could damage or put unnecessary strain on your body. After a couple of weeks have past, it will be safe to take for another six weeks etc. Since this contains high levels of natural sugar DO NOT TAKE IF YOU ARE DIABETIC.

I really hope that this offers some relief to those suffering with anxiety.

Thanks for that but I dont get that many pyhsical symptoms other than shaking and going stiff and not wanting to move or talk. Mine is mainly the things that go on in my head during or before a social situation which leads me to avoid those situations unless I have a drink. I don't think liquorice would be enough to get me out the door and make me do anything to extreme without drinking.

But anyway this is suppose to be about relationships so if anybody wants to ask me about how I have managed to have relationships after being a virgin until 25 due to sp then fee free to ask.


Well-known member
But anyway this is suppose to be about relationships so if anybody wants to ask me about how I have managed to have relationships after being a virgin until 25 due to sp then fee free to ask.

id love to know. i think its extremley brave. i really want a relationship but how to tell the person "look, this is what i have" or whatever. its difficult. but you cant hide behind a mask forever.


Active member
Skyla said:
But anyway this is suppose to be about relationships so if anybody wants to ask me about how I have managed to have relationships after being a virgin until 25 due to sp then fee free to ask.

id love to know. i think its extremley brave. i really want a relationship but how to tell the person "look, this is what i have" or whatever. its difficult. but you cant hide behind a mask forever.

Im not recommending you do what I did but to be honest it's the only way I would of ever put myself in a situation like this with a girl. Basically aged 25 I got the internet and started meeting girls and got drunk to meet them. It went ok I lost my virginity and also gained a group of friends who lived nearby and met my current gf through them. They were a lot younger than me though (college age)... but luckily I did look young for my age (still get asked for ID sometimes)... now 28... so luckily I fitted in ok and learnt with them all about drinking, smoking, pubs etc.... I dont see them now as they caused trouble with my gf trying to split us up but I'm still with her... I hate to say this and I feel sick about it but even though I had my gf because I missed out on so much with girls over the years I carried on meeting girls off the internet (8 overall now)and although it improved my confidence and made me realise girls could find me attractive...I didnt tell them the truth though just drunk a lot and hid that I drunk to appear confident... most seemed to like me though...I havent done it for over a year now though as it hurt my gf a lot when I told her and my gf is the only one I love the others were just me being selfish and getting what I missed out on before.... it has taken a long time to repair my relationship after that, we still have trust issues but have worked through them and have a strong relationship. I just wish I fell in love with the 8th one and was ready to be faithfull but nope it was the 3rd one grrrrrr.... so basically my recipe was the internet and alcohol... not recomended of course but it worked for me and now I have all that sex out of my system I am happy being faithful to one girl that I am comfortable enough with not to have to drink to be around.


Well-known member
Rossettismuse1 said:
For a male, there is nothing harder in life than finding a partner if you are S.P.

Why, oh why, do women pretend it is no different.

all a woman has to do is breathe to find a partner.

Yes, you're wright. Let me tell you how today went for me.

The parents of the girl I had a crush on and still have are quartered at my place during this week. So she, and her sister got invited to join my family for a meal today.

You probably imagine that my anxiety rised as I heard the news in the morning. I didn't knew what to do. I was just walking back and fourth across my room, chewing my lips and thinking about how am I going to go through the horror of it.

So in the afternoon, she came, along with her sister. I just couldn't look in her eyes as she eneterd, she's so beautiful, she's like the perfect girl....the eyes, the hair, the lips....pure perfection.

So we sat at the table. My heart started beating so fast, I was so hot, my head was burning and feeled as if exploding from the terrible presure, I started sweating, blushing, I was so nervous I dropped the fork in the plate several times and bit my tongue. I just couldn't control myself. I was afraid to go to the bathroom cause I would certanly trip or hit something in the way and made a total fool of myself. You know the feeling.

And I just couldn't say anything, I was paralized by fear, I couldn't even talk, my mind was absolutely blank of ideas. And there she was, a meter away from me and I couldn't do anything about it.

She asked me something, I didn't understand couse I was so freaking nervous and my mind was full of stupid thoughts, like, what does she think if i said that, is it right to hold my hands this way, do I look stupid, should I say something to her or look at her so thet she doesn't think i'm a loser or a retarded, and so on....all I wanted to do is to get the hell out of there...but deep in my heart all I wanted was to take her with me to another room and tell her how I feel about her, of course, if I actually did that I would have probably fainted.

So, anyway, thanx a lot SP, I answered yes, although I didn't knew what she asked me, she gave me a strange look and that was it. So I quickly ate my food and ran to my room....and felt safe and free of the excruciating embaressment, but in the same time so tired and exhausted from that fu*king anxiety, glad that was over.

How can you ask out the girl of your dreams if you can't even look at her? talking to her is out of the question, expressing your feelings to her is really impossible :cry:

It's so up side down, I'm sick of it all. The more you like the person, the harder it is for you to make a bond, or even be in her presence without losing it.

So there I was, helpless and hopeless, the girl that I always wanted, it's like god created her especially for me and only me, but I couldn't do anything about it. All I said to her was ''yes''.

Enough about this.

Later in the evening I talked to a girl online I met on chat. We were talking for 3 weeks and so. I gave her my phone number and she sent me all kinds of messages like lovers use to. I send her intimate messages, too. She tryed calling me, but I just couldn't answer the phone. So we talked on mess, and asked me why don't I want to meet her, so I made up an excuse that I allready have a girlfriend.

After hearing this, she told me she is going to wait for me till the time I am single again cause she cares a lot about me, even if I told her to find someone else. She even invited me over to her place. You allready know what my answer was.

So there goes another relanshionship, if I could be as sincere and open and talkative in real life as I am online, life would be fucking great.

But that's not all, another girl signed in afterwards and said she was wanting to talk to me. She also said she nedded to meet me and I made up this stupid lie that I'm divorced and I was 35.

I asked her: But what if I was 20 ? And she said you're much nicer and cute compared to the other guys, too bad you're 35, you're one step ahead of others, you know.... This is the second time that she tells me I'm much better than others...I hate it when I have to let her down all the time

So there goes another relasionship.

Why is it reality so hard on us ? :x

Anyway, a neighboor came over today to talk on yahoo mess cause he doesn't have an internet connection at home and bought me a beer to pay it off. He started describing the other night when he went in a club and all the girls were looking at him and he started looking and smiled at them too, and soon started dancing with them and they began undresing him in the club. After that they went to the loockers and made group sex and stuff.

All this time I was thinking of me, I probably would have sat at a table there all night paralized by fear and did nothing to socialize with anyone. :evil:

So, that was my day, many chances of succesfull relanshionships and no results at all, damn. It felt good to vent here, thx for reading.


Active member
this is kevs gf i no how you feel i used to down 4 glasses of strong wiskey everytime i met kev im scared of writing this incase u hate me stupid huh well u got to just go for your chances even though its hard like it was for me i went for my chances and tried so hard to make people like me and i found kev and he liked me for me and it will happen for u i promise


Well-known member
yetisbabe said:
Hi hun, could you not write the girl of your dreams a little note explaining how you feel?? I would say don't give up until you have a definite no!. And...have you thought that your neighbour could have actually not been telling the truth. Seems a bit far fetched to me. :roll:

I am really sorry that you have had such a crappy day and I hope tomorrow is better for you. :) [/i]

Thanx yetisbabe for the understanding, empaty and advice :) It's good to hear somebody else's opinion.

Told you the whole story with her . This summer, at the beer estival, when I got completley drunk I sent a message to her sister saying I like her and want to ask her out. LOL 8O , how could i have done that, I amazed my self.

Unfortunately, I found out she had a boyfriend, a gorilla type of guy. I think this and rumination of being uncapable to change anything regarding myself was the cause of my 3 month severe depression that followed in witch I failed all my exam and felt suicidal.

During the living hell I endured I wanted to tell her how I felt and wrote her a letter in witch I told her that I am shy and cannot look her in the eyes and say how I feel about her. I also told her that I like her and made her lots of compliments and stuff.

I sent the letter via e-mail cause I felt as if I was going to take my life soon or go insane and I wanted her to know I love her before it was not to late.

But things were a little more complicated than that. She had stopped talking to me after the letter, so i sent her lots of messages and ...not a single word from her. That made the depression worse. I though she hated me and considers me a loser.

Anyway, I found out recently why she suddently refuzed to talk to me. She recived from my yahoo messenger dirty words and stuff, I found out from her father, cause he couldn't keep his mouth shut and spilled the secret. I wasn't aware of this. But she still doesn't belive that it was not me who sent her those stupid insults.

I think she got over it, I don't know what she thinks of me. She or her family said nothing about her boyfriend lately and I guess she is single again. She acts as if nothing happened and she looks rezerved when it comes to talking to me. I don't have the guts to bring the discussion about this subject either. Lol, I don't even have the guts to look at her.

Oh, and about this neighbor of mine, I saw him do crazy shit like this and I tend to belive him, I dunno.


Well-known member
i dont know how anyone with SP finds relationships. im getting close with someone and the very thought of telling him what i go through scares me to death. he wont understand what im going through.
da other day he made a joke "you dont have any friends do you..." as a response to me saying i hadnt been up to much since the last time i saw him. i chuckled but in the inside i was crying. how can you explain it to someone you're getting close with. how can you begin to tell them whats going on?? it just seems IMPOSSIBLE.


Active member
Im pretty lonely and theres a guy i really like and hes just amazing, whenever i see him i just think wow, but i swear i make a right idiot of myself all the time. He probbly thinks im lame, hes asked me to places a while back but i never went because i was going to my friends etc. Ive liked him for ages but i dont think i would ever tell him, i would be terrified to find out what he felt, also i would be scared of a relationship with him. Where the hell is my confidence.
im new to this site but i do find this as a problem! I have a partner we havent been together that long and i have to say ive found it easy to have bfs in the 2 years ive had SP butt my problem is i cant tell them i have the phobia! i just feel so stupid n so i can never tell them.
my current bf doesnt know and its starting to cause problems because hes always asking me to go to his house and i just cant do it! so i keep making excuses not to go and as im onli 19 its kinda the norm to go over to ur bfs house but i cant n hes startin to notice the constant excuses and i dont know what to do. i keep on finishing with bfs so i dont have to tell them but i dont want to have to it this time i mean idealy i just want to get better n not have to tell him n get over my phobia!! godd i hate it i just wanna b bak to normal! x



In life, girls select men, and men compete for the girls. If a man is weak he stands no chance in the competition, eg, if he is ugly or shy etc etc.

You are right all a girl has to do to get a boy friend is breath !

I havent had a gf for years and am lonely and unloved as fuck, and i dont expect to get a gf anytime in the near future.


Well-known member
i suck in this department.

Just dont know any1 that i could realisticaly get with and im useless with strangers

All i can do i keep going thru life and hope i meet som1 special...but its taking FOREVER!!!!!!


Well-known member
angeleyez said:
For a long time I thought I was the only person that had never had a boyfriend. I am 21 years old and I have never had any type of serious relationship. I've been on some dates and this guy even asked me out once but I said no because I was too scared of screwing it up. Besides it seems like all the guys I'm actually attracted to never like me back and the ones I am not attracted to do so it has never worked for me. I still have hope though that I might find some guy one day who I like and likes me back. Even though everyone around me tells me I'm too old and I should have met the person I'm supposed to marry by now.

I'm 34 now... and still haven't found what I'm lookin for :wink: and I know some girls who are 34 or even some are 37 who also still haven't found what they're lookin for and for women is quite bad to reach such ages and not having found a partner to have children with. Ya know... this has a "best before end" date around 40years-old for them so girls become desperate at that ages just like my friends do.


Active member
Dont b silly septor u know i luv ya :p
I kinda think girls with SA (i do this) is kinda settle with what we can get because we dont think we can get someone that we're really happy with! I had an amazin relationship with someone i loved b4 i got SA n then ever since ive just been out with people that'll accept my SA n i end up finishing it coz wen i really look at it i dont like them that much n thats not the way to be id love to find someone who will accept me and i cud love ....
oooo that gives me an idea for a new thread lol
well cheer up people we will find love
luv candi

[email protected]


Well-known member
a possible sollution to the problem, find someone with SP or who is introverted!

then you both have similair things in common, and as a couple overcome
your fears together. :p


Well-known member
pal, I think there are greater challanges..

like trying to find a half decent job, live/work productively with people without always feeling so alienated from everything. I have to agree though, I've always thought it was worse for guys but I suppose girls have seperate/different issues to contend with. :?