

ive come to realise, relationships and sa do not mix well. especially with someone who doesnt understand.. i was with my boyfriend 3 years up until last week and he never tried to understand me just belittle me by saying how pathetic i was because i have to drink b4 i go out to calm me down. the ironic thing is ive just started seeing a hynotherapist to overcome the sa, so i believe im on the road to recovery he just couldnt give me the time.. but hey thats life!
i would suggest the hypnotherapy if anyone is interested, i may still have quite horrible panic attacks but the depression has lifted!!



Sorry about your bf. Could you tell me more about the hypnotherapy. What exactly goes on. When I think about hypnotherapy, I immediatly get the image of a guy waving a pocket watch back and forth. Also is it a special type of hypontherapist (one that deals specifically with SA) or can a general one accomplish the same thing.



well she's not a specialist in sa but she has helped many people like us b4. basically she just talks to me and gets me in a relaxed state (which is amazing in its self) and then we discuss childhood, family and all the horrible feelings and where they come from, its sort of like your half asleep and just free to say what ever comes in your head! i and my friends also have noticed changes in me and ive only been 4 times.. i realy am hopefull for this after trying all the meds etc.

fingers crossed!


Well-known member
yeah, my relationship (also of 3 yrs.) got pretty bad when my SA hit it's peak. i realized i needed to do something. we did break up but since then are back together but i think you're better off without your partner, if they don't understand it to the point where they call you pathetic, find someone else. you need someone who will be respectful of your feelings. but congrats on your improvement, things will continue to get better :D


Well-known member

I am happy to see anyone with SA make progress any way they can. You tried out a method that seems to be working for you. Yeh i gues sit was not meant to be with your boyfriend. That is his loss. you will find soemone that understand you completely.


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
but i think you're better off without your partner, if they don't understand it to the point where they call you pathetic, find someone else. you need someone who will be respectful of your feelings. but congrats on your improvement, things will continue to get better :D

totally agree,its better someone who will be respectful

:wink: good luck


thanks for all your replies, its great to talk to people that get me and my troubles! and to the last post, yeh it would be marvellous to be able to get relationships from a supermarket.. then u could pick and choose a good one!!!

:lol: x


thanks for all your replies, its great to talk to people that get me and my troubles! and to the last post, yeh it would be marvellous to be able to get relationships from a supermarket.. then u could pick and choose a good one!!!

:lol: x