Reduction in Sentraline Needed?


New member
I've been on 50 mg of Sentraline for the last 6 months and I noticed two things. One, my interest in women has significantly dropped. Two, I feel like it is increasingly hard to have fun. I feel like the sentraline totally equalized my mood, where my "bad" moments weren't bad but more importantly my "good" moments weren't good (for example parties on the weekend or getting my first job). Before I started taking sentraline I was a very high energy, talkative guy and I recently noticed that I am sometimes very low energy and not talkative at all. I'm going to cut my dosage in half and see if my side effects improve. I'm curious if anyone else has experienced the same side effects as I have been.


Well-known member
Yes, I was on this (Zoloft) for depression and experienced these symptoms, the equalising of moods is what its designed to do, of course, and the lowering of libido is normal too.

I was on Zoloft... and I experienced nervousness, sweeting, dry mouth, energetic, but more anxiety and more fear...


Well-known member
Talk to your doctor before you change your dosage. It might just be that sertraline is not the right drug for you. You might have better results and fewer side effects on a different medicine.

I took sertraline for about 5 years with no side effects after the first few weeks. The first few weeks are always tough because your body is adjusting. After that, it should get better. If not, then switching meds is probably a good idea.


I've just been put on Sentraline so I couldn't tell you how I'm finding it yet as its too soon but I had exactly the same issues as you've described when I was put on Prozac years ago for depression so I ended up just coming off them because I couldn't handle having no emotions and felt like a robot. This made me concerned about going on Sentraline because its basically from the same family of drugs. My doctor has asked me to go back after 10 days just so she can see how i'm doing on them. I suggest you go see your doctor and either see about getting a lower dosage if possible or changing to something different.


Well-known member
It seems pretty common that this happens when people take medicine. You are changing your brain chemistry, and your brain tries to make up for it by releasing other chemicals. As a result, your emotions kind of are flat. Medicines are really only made for temporary relief. I've experienced the robot effect like you before, and sometimes lowering the dosage, combining it with another drug, or going on another drug is the solution.