Hiya,im 17 years old and am sick of this, do you ever ask questions of why me?! But really why me? Im not strong enough to over come this and am finding each day a struggle, i am pushing away my aunt and twin sister because i cant talk to any one with out my face burning bright red and i dont know why, i really want to sit with everyone and talk freely with out worrying, i dont want to wear a hat which at the moment makes me feel better, i want to make friends and go out, the sweating is on my hands but its not like anyone can see it can they? So why do i go red when some talks to me, the worse is dinner time, so i had small portains so i could finish quikly and not sit in the same room as people, so iv lost wieght and so much. im even to embrassed to talk to my aunt about it as i no ill go red. it rules my life, i reckon if i could get rid of the red face i would be able to feel confident! I tried to commit sucide because of it, and i need help, but a treatment or something to take away the redness, its all i worry about.
Thanks if anyone can help me i would be really gratefull, i want a life!!!!
Thanks if anyone can help me i would be really gratefull, i want a life!!!!