record a message??


Well-known member
well i got this idea from the singing post and i thought it might be cool to hear some singing or leave a message or shout out to the boards.. if you're brave enough of course (i'm not ..yet lol)

if you have a mic just open voice recorder from your computer
then upload it here.. or
..and post the link in this topic.

idunno if this will work ..but it might be a good challenge for people here. =)


Well-known member
web cam penpals

Here's a slightly different approach to that idea. Most of us probally have a Web Cam or Digital cameras that let us record short clip of what ever. We could try making a post your multi media sticky tread.

or since most of us are shy to some degree; we could find a user from social phobia we know and chat through our web cams as a form of practice.

What's your oponion?


Well-known member
Oh, I would so much like to have some feedback on my voice (I hate it) but there's no way I'm brave enough to record anything to be put online. 8O 8O 8O lol Well, maybe I could force myself to if some other people went first lol. :lol:

Though I have just sent a recording of my voice to an online friend. 8O

No, I don't know what I was thinking. 8O

I'm going to be so on edge all day now. Then I'll probably die from embarrassment lol :lol:


Well-known member
I'll leave a message when no one is around at home.

Okay, I have it. Where can I upload it though?