

Staff member
guilty as charged!

Been reclusing alot latley, unable to talk to people online, skipped meets with excuses, freinds have emailed me with concerns as to where I've vanished to, I'm seeing my real life mates abit more though, been down the last few months and I find chatting/PMing/posting a real struggle, cant post anything serious, just comedic quips and sillyness, I talk online to anyone and after 10 mins I'm struggling, I dont understand as my SA in the real world is getting better, I'm starting even to do little jobs for people as I psyche myself up into working again.

I just dont get it?

anyone else in recluse mode at the mo?


huge apology to those I've talked to on messenger and just vanished on you :S
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Well-known member
hey steve, i hate it for you!!

maybe you're in a stressful stage? i'm sure there's something going on that's causing your anxiety to be up - but i don't know, i wish i could change it for you :?

best of luck to you anyway, you've got great friends that go looking for you when they sense something's up - kudos to your friends!

you too yetisbabe, i think everyone needs a break every now and again - take care, and take it easy.


Staff member
its wierd, in one way I'm going forward (real life), in the other I'm going backwards (online)????

its been happeneing since the beggining of the year, on a slow downard spiral


Well-known member
Remus said:
its wierd, in one way I'm going forward (real life), in the other I'm going backwards (online)????

its been happeneing since the beggining of the year, on a slow downard spiral

maybe its a good thing? maybe you can look at it as stepping away from the artifical world (the internet or MSN where you cant see anyone and in some ways face your fears) to the real world where people talk face to face, go out and socialise, give eye contact etc. maybe its a good thing you are not relying on the use of your computer to communicate so much.

i dont think its sad to communicate via the computer. but what im saying is if it was your only real source of communication due to SA, then moving away from it aint such a bad thing??


Well-known member
I find that sometimes I develop sort of almost random mini-phobias towards things. Maybe there is no complex explanation why that is how you are feeling, maybe just one thing led to another -- like one somewhat bad online experience, followed by another somewhat bad one, then a really bad one, then some OK ones, then another shoddy experience....Then before you know it you are feeling like you don't like online communications anymore and have a lot of hesitance towards it. SA people I think DEFINITELY have a tendency to lose confidence in something quicker then they should. Like a non-SA person might have had one bad experience but then that would not enter their minds during the next one and would not subconsiouly affect their experience... Just a thought. Stick with it!!