Realization that helped me with anxiety


Active member
This may not work for many of you but I remember it being a big moment in my life.

One lonely night, I walked outside into the cold and looked up at the sky and saw the stars... I hadn't looked at the night sky in a long time and I don't know what propelled me to do it but when I got a look at that giant black open space with little white stars peppered all over, I just was blown away by a realization...

I realized that I was an infinitely small part of the universe and that my actions and even my entire life was just plain insignificant in comparison to the objects I could see way out there in space.

I think a lot of my anxiety comes from feeling like every little thing I do wrong or avoid or whatever is this big deal but it's really not... Nothing I could ever do is comparable to whats going on out there in the universe. I'm a spec pretending to to screw up all these important things that are in actuality just ridiculously insignificant.

That's not to say that I don't care about anything anymore but when I get hit with some anxiety I remember this and it often subsides.


Well-known member
I have thought this too, I am in the grand scale of things smaller than a pin head. When I first realised this, I became very depressed and cut my wrists. I was then in a psyche unit for a year.

Interesting, the same thought made me feel I didn't matter, so I could cease to exist. That said I was psychotic at the time.

Glad those thoughts help you though.

Peace xxx


Active member
Wow, it's fascinating that the same thought can cause one person so much grief while it causes the other to feel so liberated.


Well-known member
Indeed, it was the thought that made me decide to go and study physics. Because no matter what I did, it wouldn't do me any good in the long run, but honouring and exploring the beauty of nature is what I want to do.


I dunno, this sort of thinking had me thinking worse, and better in a way. I guess it depends on the way you look at it.


New member
i get caught up in my own anxieties and focus on them, they become worse. im going on a boating holiday to get away from things. will be looking for a nice clear night to gaze at the universe out there.
Thanks for this post! It really made me feel a bit better like even though I think the people in my class hate me, There's an entire Universe that doesn't even know I exist and nothing I could ever do would ever cause any impact on the Universe at all :)

I guess I could take that and think "I'll never make an impact so why even bother living??" But I choose to think "I'll never make an impact so I can do whatever I want!!!"