Reading/speaking in class

Hi, I'm new here.

When I'm in class at school, I always fear the teacher picking on me to read something out loud. If I think they'll pick me soon, my heart will beat so fast and I get unexplainably nervous. When it comes to actually reading, my body physically won't let me. My voice goes all over the place and I have problems even breathing and I often have to stop after every couple of words for a deep breath. I feel myself going bright red and shaking like mad, even if the class isn't that big. Of course, everyone thinks I'm crazy afterwards.

Does anyone else have experiences like this? I know that nearly everyone gets NERVOUS about some kind of public speaking. But my reaction is BEYOND nervous.

Also, does anyone have any advice for me?


Well-known member
Many of us i'm sure understand. I myself, refused to give a speech with my modern history power point i presented to the class. After that everyone thought i was selfish and thought i was superior . . . . . :roll: , all because i didn't talk. Personally, talkin to the teacher after class usually works for me . . . . i've always somehow been able to assertively speak to authorative figures (so long as their nice!) and yeah, just adress whats worryin you, and they should understand . . . . if not, get your parents onto them if they are the type who'd do that. Another thing . . . . . when reading just remember your not giving eye contact, and that people honestly couldn't give a damn. I don't really know much that can be done about it, and especially the symptoms like blushing, sweating, etc.
Thanks for the replies.

I've thought about talking to the teacher after a lesson, but everyone's so slow moving out of class that by the time they're out..the teacher has gone! Maybe writing a letter would be a better option?

I believe my whole SA problem stems from my mum's death when I was 7 years old, probably because I was the centre of attention at her funeral when I really didn't want to be.

Did you refuse to give the speech in history because you were just nervous or because you knew you physically couldn't do it, like me?

I've been reading about SA and different phobias for a while now, and I'm still completely lost. I still don't know if my reaction happens to everyone with SA, or if I have an extreme case of SA, or if I have something different altogether. It's driving me mad just thinking about it :(


Well-known member
Whenever I have to do something like that I find the best way is just to block everyone else out and focus entirely on the presentation. Pretend like theres no one else there. I remember doing a presentation like that once and the teacher was surprised with how calm and confident I appeared.


Active member
well think about it this way..when ur sitting in class and sumones reading..what r u thinking about? u care about what hes/shes saying? or how that person sounds?....u probably dont care..and they wont care either..unless u get nervous which there is no reason to be...just try to calm down and read....try practicing reading outloud at home alone..or infront of ur mom/dad/bro/sis/ family...try thinking what other ppl will think of if u were listening to sumone else read out loud


I used to do the same thing when I had to read in class. That's one of the reasons I never did show up! :? Hell, I remember counting how many people were left until it was my turn. And yeah, ShaNeaNea19 I'm sure he don't care what the other people are reading because he's too worried how he's going to look like a complete idiot.


Well-known member
I was exactly the same way in my math class last year because my teacher would call on me almost every day. My heart would beat like yours did, pounding during the whole class. I was anticipating hearing my name the entire time, every day. When my teacher did call on me, I was usually able to give the right answer, but when it was over I was still frozen feeling torn open and too sick to pay attention anymore. When I am expected to speak in class like that I very often don't have any kind of voice at all, it disappears.
Talking to your teacher about it might be a very good idea. My teachers usually give me their email addresses, so if you really can't talk to them after class an email might work.
But if your teacher refuses to listen or thinks you'll eventually get over it if they keep making you answer, then pay attention and make sure you know the answer. Try breathing, it should help you relax some.
The one thing that I cannot understand though is the heart beating matter how much I can calm myslef down otherwise, my heart just starts pounding, and then I know I'm afraid.


New member
i had the same exact rapid heart beat problem in class. it was real bad for about 4 years. but then i went to my doctor and he prescribed me atenolol. the rapid heart beat does not occur if i take this any longer.


New member
I first thought I was the only one with this problem. I also get real nervous every time I think about reading in class, even though teachers don't usually pick me to read something.

The worst thing about it is that I think everyone could notice my fear, my shaky voice, trembling, and so on. I know it doesn't make any sense. It's the stupidest fear I've ever had, but I have a hard time getting rid of it.

What is the cure? Some will say: confront your fears. But I can't seem to do that.

ps. sorry 'bout my english. ~ it's not my first language!


Well-known member
I know what you mean, QuietStranger, about not being physically able to do it.......this just happened to me last week. I'm in college and in this one class the teacher actually made us play the "name game"....TORTURE. We're too old for that crap anyway!!

you know, the one where the first person says their name and then the names of all the people before's a memory thing.

I started writing down everyone's name, feeling paincky, but the prof. caught me and said, no writing it down! When it came to my turn, (and I'd been rehearsing everyone's name in my head over and over) I completely froze. I was unable to talk for a few seconds. I couldn't remember my own name, much less the fifteen people in front of me!!! The class had to help me out, basically giving me the answers, and I dumbly repeated them like a parrot. :oops: just thinking about it makes me cringe!

I think many of us have this problem, even people without serious social problems. I heard somewhere that fear of public speaking is the most common phobia.


Active member
yea i use to....not anymore because i havent been called on yet in school XD..but before i'd be hard for me to breath and i'd get really nervous so i would sound weird..advice? well maybe think abut what ur thinking when another person is reading...cause thats how they probably feel...or just try to ignore everyone and just focus on reading watever....or maybe think of sumone u feel comfortable talking to and imagine u are only talking to them.


New member
ShaNeaNea19 said:
but before i'd be hard for me to breath and i'd get really nervous so i would sound weird..advice?

Read something out loud in front of your family and close friends. You'll see there's nothing to be afraid of. Besides, you could participate a bit in class discussions or offer to read out loud short chapters in front of your class. I know, I know, it's easier said than done, but I'm afraid that's the best way to gain some confidence and deal with the fear. (and I still don't know why I haven't done it myself. :eek: )


Well-known member
In my high school history class years ago, I gave up on speaking in front of the class. The teacher would cut me off before I could give an answer. Also, giving a presentation just wasn't going to happen. So I failed. During the next semester, I retook the class with a different teacher and got an A. Some teachers are just more understanding than others. I'm taking adult college courses now. My last class dealt with contract management, and during a student break, I returned to the room to overhear the professor telling students about my previous presentation (It didn't go well at all). The kicker was that on several occasions, he said that he was a very shy person! Now, I've decided to take online courses only. I won't have to speak to anyone now.


Well-known member
Predacon said:
Whenever I have to do something like that I find the best way is just to block everyone else out and focus entirely on the presentation. Pretend like theres no one else there. I remember doing a presentation like that once and the teacher was surprised with how calm and confident I appeared.

How do u do that cause as much as it sounds tempting its just hard to avoid the prescence of other people. Wouldn't that require you also not to make eye contact if u want to pretend they're not there?

I hate talkin in class because the tutor usually looks at me weird or tries not to laugh. I don't know what causes them to react like, whether i talk like a loser, or can't get my words out right or what? It gets to me.
Oh wow..some replies :D

It's nice to know I'm not the only one.
The reaction seems automatic to me. I don't really feel like I'm thinking anything - it just happens.

I'll try taking some of this advice and see how it goes :oops:


Well-known member
Chihiro said:
Predacon said:
Whenever I have to do something like that I find the best way is just to block everyone else out and focus entirely on the presentation. Pretend like theres no one else there. I remember doing a presentation like that once and the teacher was surprised with how calm and confident I appeared.

How do u do that cause as much as it sounds tempting its just hard to avoid the prescence of other people. Wouldn't that require you also not to make eye contact if u want to pretend they're not there?

I hate talkin in class because the tutor usually looks at me weird or tries not to laugh. I don't know what causes them to react like, whether i talk like a loser, or can't get my words out right or what? It gets to me.

Well it depends on the exact presentation involved like how many people there are, In a class sized group I try to focus on the back wall as I'm
speaking and just pretend like the people in front are pieces of furniture. It gives the impression of eye contact. Smaller groups I just try to vary any eye contact so it doesn't appear that I'm only looking at one person. I read somewhere that if eye contact makes you uncomfortable, you should stare at their nose as they talk, it gives the impression of eye contact to.


Active member
QuietStranger - I'm not a doctor but I have panic disorder & the symptoms you describe sound similar to a panic attack, though more short-lived.

It happens to me too and I just thought of them as mild panic attacks. Full blown ones last 15mins up to a half hour. It's probably just performance anxiety. A little trick that has worked for me is looking at the whole situation from a third-person perspective. Pretend you are watching yourself read, like watching a movie.