Re: Who stays indoors during nice weather?


Well-known member
Re: Who stays indoors during nice weather?


Is there anyone here that finds it difficult to go out of the house and confront people, even when the weather is really nice and you're anxious to go out and go for a walk?


Active member
Hi Shyguest,

i sometimes find it hard to go out to the shops for essentials because of the fear of having to interact with people. it can be really hard sometimes but dont worry you are not alone.


Well-known member
Yea, because the weather is almost always nice here in So. Cal. I wish I lived somewhere that I didn't feel so guilty about staying indoors more often. I'm not a hermit but people do call me a homebody.


hey bluenow...

you wrote:
"I'm not a hermit but people do call me a homebody."

you shouldve only said
"I'm not a hermit "

dont let people define who you are.
Easier said than done tho, especially for sa people
if they keep their "everyday sa lifestyle", and people
see that. they keep seing you the same way.

Of course when you'll start to change they may still
see you like that or hope youd still be that guy...

how come?

well let just say change, for the worst or for the better,
creates tensions or disaproval in your environment from
certain people. You need to do your thing no matter what
resistance they will put in tho.

way too much to cover here...

just remember to define AND redefine yourself(go for it!)
on your own and dont let peoples vision and expectations of you
get in the way of defining who you are and becoming.



Well-known member

Do you find it easier to go out when it's darker than when it's light? I'ts something to do with being self-conscious and being anxious what people are thinking of you.

I could add more to this.


Well-known member
I find it harder to go out in nice weather as women wear more revealing clothes. I usually end up going home afterwards feeling low because I've just seen loads of attractive women that I'll never be able to get near. I've probably missed so many opportunities to meet women due to my SA and low self esteem.

At the moment the days are so dismal that I don't feel like going out so I'm rapidly becoming more agoraphobic.


Well-known member
sickofbeinglonely you are not alone.

It being summer i go to the shops and these gorgeous girls wearing skimpy outfits are everywhere. I just think that these are girls i will never get even close to because you always see them with big good looking guys. I was talking to an old girlfriend from school and she was saying that she only looks for guys who earn a certain amount of money and like to party every weekend. Thats what alot of girls want. Its hard thinking about reality and the way the world works sometimes.


Active member

Bad times will pass.

Dont give up tha fight,
Never give up tha fight,

Speak happiness, your sad enough without your woes

Well, never give up tha fight,

All I can say is get out and run alittle bit, start running at night until you gain confidence and then go out and run during the day.

Lift a few weights, go to the gym. Realize that everyone at the gym is probably more nervous and anxious about being judged than you are. People are people and they will not judge you, they love you. We all connect, even if your nervous people still accept you, but do you accept them?

All I can say is that working out/ running/ subjecting myself to social situations(to an extent) has "almost" cured me. I am never anxious except when it comes to being a friend to someone. I know that "almost" being cured I have so much more to do before I'm cured, and I will most likely never be "cured" and I don't want to be cured because it makes me unique.
I tend to avoid the outdoors, especially in the summertime. Not so much the social phobia as it is my profound hatred for the hot sun burning in my eyes.
I prefer foggy winterdays.
Outside of that I don't get out much regardless of the weather. Nighttime is ok, though. I actually enjoy riding my bike at night to get cigarettes.
The SA just disappears. I have no fear in keeping my head up. Hah, that's another thing which must look rediculous to other people. I always keep my head down when I'm riding my bike. Once in a while I look up to see if there are any cars or anything approaching me. Got me into quite a few accidents. I'd rather land face down on the hood of a car every so often than having to see people watching my every move. Yes. Ugh.. :|


Well-known member
I agree with you sickofbeinglonely and Richey about nice weather.You see attractive women wearing skimpy outfits and knowing you have no chance with them it's depressing.So thats why I live where they're never any good weather and it always cold lol :lol:


Well-known member

Yes, that is true Yetisbabe. Do you feel that you're watching to see who's outside when you're thinking of going outside? There's got a be way to programme ourselves to distract our anxious thoughts.
sickofbeinglonely said:
I find it harder to go out in nice weather as women wear more revealing clothes. I usually end up going home afterwards feeling low because I've just seen loads of attractive women that I'll never be able to get near. I've probably missed so many opportunities to meet women due to my SA and low self esteem.

I feel you man. I used to have the same experience when going out, and sometimes I still do.

But it is a self-torturing, no good, crap belief that comes from your bad self esteem and knowledge of the world.
Read the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss, and you will begin to understand what is possible.

When you get healthier you will start to see woman as people instead of figures. With as different personalitys as men. Most of them with low self esteem as well, looking for someone that will see them for what they really are.(instead of just seeing their outside as most men do..)

Oh, and when it comes to opportunities. There is a neverending supply of woman in the world. :)
Of course you missed opportunities, but it's like missing the bus. Really. See it from their perspective. They missed you too, but they probably moved on. (Unless they had SA as well.)

I am no casanova myself. This is all new to me and I would really appreciate a womans comments on this.