Re: Does anyone find it easier to relax with strangers?


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Re: Does anyone find it easier to relax with strangers?


I wonder if any of you find it easier to relax with strangers. I have to admit that I have felt this way.


Well-known member
Yeah!! i find it alot easier to relax with strangers becuase they dont know your problems and they dont know you. I find it much harder to relax around my family, because my family are very very judgemental about everything. I have very condescending parents as well so i dont relax around family however i can talk to strangers on a bus or at a concert.
I find it a lot harder to talk to strangers because if I'm with my family or someone I know I can usually think of something to say but if I'm with a stranger I have to make small talk.


Yes, I feel comfotable with strangers, I wont take the spot light with them or anything like that. I simply dont have any anxious thoughts with them.

There is no expectations or obligations. The likelyhood of seeing them again is nil. So I dont really care how they see me.

This social anxiety certainly has its different twists and variants in that some sufferers fear strangers the worst.

There are different strengths and levels to this disorder.



Well-known member
Foreign strangers for me. Especially english speakers. Dont know but i feel perfectly fine around them.
Now, people my nationality, especially my age, god, i feel weird as hell. Like if i dont deserve to speak, or if i do will result in something bad.

I hope i would get out of here :(


I feel fine around strangers, as they dont know me im not anxious. As Shae says I wont see them again, I think its because of that makes me more relaxed. Where as with family i.e. cousins Im more nervous as I know I should feel fine and relaxed, which plays on my mind constantly inturn making me nervous.


Well-known member

I agree with you and there is the fact that strangers don't know you've got anxiety, whereas people that you know do.


Well-known member
Strangers are much easier. They dont know about your problems and they dont care about what you say or do. If you do something stupid you can just walk away.

Family know your secrets and they judge you. YOu have to live with them for the rest of your life so any mistakes will last a life time.