Re-assurance needed please

I have this disturbing thought right after reading a story about OCD that was suppose to help me, which in a way is funny, but not that much now. I read about how a person described the way OCD controlled him as if it was similiar to a show called the Truman show where the show revolved around keeping this one person in the dark about the world he was in ( a deserted island). Truman thought it was real when in reality a director in a studio was making him believe he was on an island. So what the director would be doing is constantly fooling Truman so he doesn't find his way out which is exactly like OCD. However, jus reading that trigger my fear of living in the same world and it manifested in if this place/reality THAT I LIVE in, if it is true or not. And it has been bugging me. And trying to think so what if it was, it is a nice one, but that would spike my anxiety of going crazy because I can't believe I had to do that. So I have no idea what I should do.


Well-known member
You think your so important that the world revolves around you? Other ppl have their own lifes should they be worried about theirs or yours?

Truemen also lived in a stage setting and he finds out it is a lie when a whole in the setting tears open! Why do not you take a jog as far as you can to find out, i think u hv been spending too much time inside your home?
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Staff member
You think your so important that the world revolves around you? Other ppl have their own lifes should they be worried about theirs or yours?

This is a support forum for people to seek help and advice, please be more tactful with your replies


Well-known member
I used to have thoughts after watching that movie. I got a bit self conscious about things like toileting and undressing and even singing when I was on my own I had thoughts that it was being broadcast to the world. I kept telling myself that surely they would choose someone with a more interesting life than mine. Luckily these thoughts didn't effect my life too much or for too long, but I can understand how they could.