Rant - Kinda in a rut. (Advice Please) Lots!!!


Hi I am new to this message board, I am not sure if this is a good first post, I just want to get things out there

I kinda feel like I am stuck in a rut being shy/anti-social.

I been not that social around people since I was in high school, I am a bit social around my friends but not that much. It’s kinda frustrating. Sometimes I can’t think of anything to talk about, I know that kinda sounds stupid.

There was this one time I had to force my self to talk to strangers to get directions to sumwhere because I was lost trying to find where I was meeting up with my friends and my phone died also, so I had no way of contacting them, I was kinda nervous doing that.

I sometimes search on the internet ways that I can overcome being anti-social/shy but I never put the information that I look up to use.

I kinda go on the computer lots when i am not working. Next month and on ward I am going to try to go on the computer less, I can only go on to check my email, message board, and facebook.

For those of you that overcome being shy Can give me advice, like what to talk about with co-workers/new people I meet. What ways I can overcome being anti-social/shy. Can lots of people post. Most appreciated.


Well-known member
Rather than type out a long list of things here, I suggest you pick up Dale Carnegie's book "How to win friends and influence people". Also try and make an effort to get out more, and do whatever it is that you feel interests you. You will have more to say when people ask you how your weekend was etc.