Random worry ... :(


Well-known member
I dunno if I put this is the wrong place, please let me know if I did.
This is a rant of my ... well, sort of panicky feelings.
I emailed this girl last night who entered a contest in New Zealand and got to work with an actor from there that I have this big crush on. After months of thinking of sending her a message (I go through the pros and cons ... usually always negative; I have no right to ask her anything, I may seem like a stalker, I may sound like an immature child, etc.)
Finally, last night I messaged her on FaceBook and asked if she really worked with him; A short while later she messaged back and said she did -- and even told me how his personality was (which, of course, got me excited and more determined to love him)
.... But I sent her two other messages, but I am so worried I went too far with them, like maybe I sounded like a freak.
I'm gonna post what I said but I'm hoping maybe someone here can tell me if I did cross a line or sounded idiotic, or am I just overly worried?

The two below are mine:
"Cool. I feel a bit envious now. XD
... By any chance do you know if he's single? :D
Whoops, sorry, I'm super tired and now I'm making goofy jokes.
But anyway, thanks for answering. :) "

And this is one I sent like, twenty minutes later:
"Oh, I forgot to ask .... do you happen to know his birthdate? I know it's an odd question, but I can't ever seem to find it. All I know is that it's in 1989 ...
I hope I don't sound like a freak. XD I'm just a chick who thinks he's ... well, not half bad looking.
I only ask this because I thought I once heard people who cast actors know their birthdates. And no, I'm not gonna ask anything besides that. "

But she never answered back and I'm really worried she thinks I'm weird or a stalker of his -- or that I'll never leave her alone. :( I even go so far as to thinking NZ is gonna put up a 'If you see this girl call the cops -- ' sign. Or somebody will tell the dude and he'll become caucious -- and my chances of ever meeting him will forever be impossible. :(
Finding information on this guy is so hard. And I don't mean personal stuff -- I mean like his birthday and all that.
Nah, that all sounds normal and nothing to worry about at all. If I knew of someone who knew my favourite actress, then I would do the same or more. Who is this actor???


Na that doesn't sound to creepy. Creepy would be like "Can you tell me where he lives and when he's not home?" or drawing her a sketch of what yours and his children would look like. I assume she's responded by now, but I'm sure actors and actresses have seen a lot more strange request and are used to it.


Well-known member
Thanks for replying. I thought maybe everyone here thought I was odd!
She never answered back, so that worries me. Either she thinks I'm a weirdo, or is gone for Thanksgiving.

And to Phocas, his name is Milo Cawthorne. I feel like such a dork talking about him. :p