Random tidbits of advice


Well-known member
Okay, I'm starting this topic as a place where you can post random tidbits of advice for overcoming SA. I shall begin with two things that I've experienced, and wish to share with you:

- One major problem that I am beginning to overcome, is to truly recognize how you feel about something. Truly recognize your feelings on a subconcious level, before your brain (on your concious level) has time to manipulate your feelings, and change them into something that you think you should be thinking. If you accept what your concious level tells you, you may just be lying to yourself. For example, say you have an upcoming appointment at the dentist, or the doctors. You conciously manipulate how you feel about this to say, "Okay, I can do this, no problem." BUT, on a subconcious level, you may be thinking that it's the end of the world. Only when you can truly realize what you really feel, can you work on accepting or improving your SA.

- Being HAPPY IS THE BEST THERAPY for someone with SA. Do what makes you happy, and don't let people bog you down.


Well-known member
I like that, it is very good advice!. I will try it this week and see what happens.

My random peice of advice for today is to break goals down into really small steps, tiny steps if you have to. I feel that the further along you can go in reaching your goal then the less likely you will be to give up. So taking even one small step per week (for example) towards your goal will be better than doing nothing at all.


Well-known member
Yeah, LeapFrog, I dig what u say.

It's really easy for me to see what my subconscious is thinking, unfortunatelly it's all negative thoughts, but they seem so real to you that you strongly belive they reflect reality. Your subconscious is subjective.

If you start to think objectivley and anlyse things in detail, not listen to your subconscious and try thinking rationally u are making a progress.

So you should try to debate every negative thinking u may have or any distorted pattern or habit that u practice. The way you feel comes from your subconscuios mind and it's a hard thing to change that so this is where the battle starts as u struggle to induce the subconscuios rationall thinking and act as u should like naturally, face the fear cause this is the barrier, it isn't that easy but take it one step at a time.

I know it's a tough battle but as u begin to act according to your conscious mind that is thinking objective u begin to manipulate the subonscious mind , it takes time but it works. It feels so wrong to act this way, but u got to do it in order to brake the bad habits and accomodate to the new ones.

I dunno if I make any sense, just gave my 2 cents.


"So you should try to debate every negative thinking u may have or any distorted pattern or habit that u practice. "

beside getting rid of the root problem, this is the best thing you can
do and is not that difficult to do. Just have an "outside look" looking in.

if it makes sense



Well-known member
Thanks for the advice leapfrog...and the example.
It made me realise that I was doing exactly that this morning. I phoned up about doing some voluntary work and was telling myself its no big deal, when really I'm extremely nervous about it.

my bit of advice is just to remember to take a break from worrying about your problems and the need to get better all the time. Otherwise I think its easy to get depressed.