Random interactions


Well-known member
So, I was at Kmart buying something and as soon as I stepped up to the register, the cashier said hi, then walked away as someone else replaced her. Maybe she was just going to break, but I found it kind of weird.

Anyway, every time something like this happens I obsess about it, even though it is probably nothing, but I hate these random interactions that make me question myself.


Well-known member
Wow, if they had someone replace a cashier just for you, then you must be REALLY special!!! 8)

Don't worry about it, it was exactly what you said -- she was going on break. If not, then you should feel extra special.. hehe


Well-known member

Best to just shrug it off and move on because the more you obsess about it, the more attention you're going to pay to things like that the next time and the time after, the random strangers will start picking up on it. And believe me they'll just make you feel even worse about it when they know it's getting to you. So always remember that when random people make you feel bad with their actions,directly or indirectly: They are complete strangers that aren't worth the sweat off your balls!

Excuse my language. *ahem* lol...


Well-known member
Hey siren, thx for the advice

But do you think this particular situation meant anything, or not? I just don't know why that would happen.


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
Hey siren, thx for the advice

But do you think this particular situation meant anything, or not? I just don't know why that would happen.

Hi NightTime, no worries.

It didn't mean anything. Their shift was over and they had to switch, that's all. It happened to me before too. They say hi or smile but they had to let someone else take over. After standing up for a long time, working at the counter, they're probably too tired to tell you their shift is over and someone else is taking over. They don't even need to say anything really but the fact that they said hi shows that you must be worth giving the once-over. ;) You said that you're a good looking guy right? They probably had to take the time to pause and check you out and said hi to fill the silence. :p lol okay I guess this isn't helping much but you get the picture. They were probably tired and wanted to take their break when it was time. Who wouldn't?
What would be your main source of worry in this particular situation anyway? They are scared to serve you? They had to let someone else take over because they are repulsed to serve you or something? In that case think about who is the crazy one, acting irrationally? Certainly not you and it's not your fault if they did that. It's their problem. And they aren't worth it, especially if they work at kmart. (No offense to anyone who works at kmart.) :p