Racial Discrimination


Well-known member
whitmo said:
Infected_Malignity said:
Yeah... unfortunately, this is their mindset. This is their excuse for unnecessary hostility. I judge people on a person-to-person level, and somehow I think others (despite what race you are) would benefit from doing so as well. Unfortunately, these people I encountered were racist.

Again, bringing the past into play is absolute ignorance, considering the fact that neither I or they had been present during African American slavery. This affects neither me or them. Although, I see a lot of black people use this card to get away with more than they ever should. However, my best friends that I had made while living in this racist little town happen to be black. I didn't have any really close white friends. Therefore, it all remains up the the individual.

I is not ignorance at all. The past will always come into play. That is just something that non minorities will never understand. White people have a card too. The old " I have black friends" card. As if that is suppose to make you understand where blacks, asians, women, hispanics, etc are coming from.

I've actually found that it's quite a waste of time to try and make other people understand your perspectives when they haven't shared your experiences or anything similar. People aren't half as good at empathy as they'd like to think they are. Others don't care (or can't) because it doesn't affect them personally. I'm sure many of us know this on this site from the insensitive way people can sometimes treat us because of our social anxieties.

If a man walks around saying a woman has a nice pair of tits, he and his guy friends probably won't see anything wrong with it though it might offend a woman. But of course, if the woman is vocal about the offense the men will likely tell her she's being too sensitive or "whining" and to get over herself and stop playing the feminist card. To them it's trivial because it doesn't offend their personal sensibilities. But if the men have their manhood insulted just watch the testosterone boil. It's a typical scenario that repeats in many different ways.


Well-known member
red_reagel said:
SocialRetahd said:
this whole thread sounds like, "waaaah waaaaah!!!"
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Maybe we do need to toughen up, but if you were any better you wouldn't be on here :evil:

"OMG, in class we were out looking at a solar eclipse when all the white people started squinting there eyes. They must of been making fun of my face!!! wah!" :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
I think most of the reasons for racism stem from fear and mis-trust. Perhaps fuelled by the media's insatiable appetite for stereotyping people according to their race. I know that when I was at school the different races rarely mixed with each other. I hear that in prison, gangs are generally race based. Who knows if the melting pot (multiculturalism) actually works in practice. Perhaps instead of cultural assimilation. Tolerance is the key to a healthy society. We don't all have to be best friends. However we should respect and tolerate our differences.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
red_reagel said:
SocialRetahd said:
this whole thread sounds like, "waaaah waaaaah!!!"
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Maybe we do need to toughen up, but if you were any better you wouldn't be on here :evil:

"OMG, in class we were out looking at a solar eclipse when all the white people started squinting there eyes. They must of been making fun of my face!!! wah!" :cry: :cry: :cry:
I was just expressing what happened to me. This is a forum. So we can say whatever we want. Besides if you were all mighty and not "wah wah" then why are you even at socialphobiaworld.com? I've read some of your posts too, so don't tell me you don't have any whining moments.

PS: That's not even how it is. I'm not going to say anymore because you don't go to my school to know what it's like.


Well-known member
I bet they don't even care enough to make fun. Plus it would be in bad taste, as far as society goes.

My posts are about abuse though, real abuse.